Veto On Freezing Circassian Diaspora By Remote Control
The open wounds that the Russian aggression had created for tens of nations in the North Caucasus and beyond, need serious and sincere efforts to heel and to fix all atrocities which included and not limited to genocide, ethnic cleansing, destruction, forced deportation, and displacement of inhabitants within homeland, and to contain all their effects and consequences.
The sad memory of the 21st of May this year is marking the 144 years of commemoration of the postpone of the Russian-Caucasian War in the year 1864 which lead to disastrous results and conclusions on Circassia, Circassians, and North Caucasians. To make the subjects properly and effectively understood and comprehended without any negative impact, a thorough and careful study and investigation should be accomplished by all those who are looking for the truth and they are concerned to make sure that the facts ...