The Appreciated Circassian Youth Movement’s Success Nations rise, grow, and prosper, as derived consequences of the great endeavor, efforts, sense of duty and obligation that the devoted members present and feel that they are morally obliged to assist at times when that assistance is required and necessary in order to maintain a solid position that all dedicated guidance should be forwarded for the sake of saving the very existence, to maintain the survival as a respected and dignified nation between others that equally try to maintain their sovereignty as respected nations that got mutual esteemed appreciation towards each other. Thanks for the excellent motivation of the Circassian Youths, we genuinely value your high awareness and the way you have performed your important task, and want you to know how much we appreciate the way you have cared for the “Circassian Question”. We can't remember a time in recent years, when our nation ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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North Caucasus Imperial Crisis
It is true that the “Russian Soviet Union” was involved in a cold war by arming itself in preparation for an armed conflict with any attacking and/or offending force. The actual, prominent, and dominant effect at present time and will stay in the future, regarding the so-called “the threat to Russia's security and stability”, will be only from the nations that are occupied by the Russian state, and not from the unrealistic description of so-called “radical and militant Islam”, which is inappropriate and contradicts reality and facts of life.
The Middle East Times that seems to be based in USA has published in 23, June, 2008, a Russian propagandist heading without mentioning a writer’s name, however the surprise about the article was not the title which came in favor of the Kremlin’s policy of flattery and blandishment, but indicated between the lines a performance of going ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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In Reply To "Tolstoy's Muslim Hero"
The WALL STREET JOURNAL, published an article in the title of “Tolstoy's Muslim Hero”, “'Hadji Murad' Explores the Struggle Between East and West”, by William Amelia, dated, 8th of March, 2008; which indicates a quick glance and an over-look, that do not fulfill the importance and significance of the intended human aspirations and intentions that Leo Tolstoy had intended to convey.
The writer mentioned that the novella "Hadji Murad” by Leo Tolstoy was the great writer's final story. He also illustrated that Tolstoy had revealed that in a letter to his brother Sergei, writing that Murad "was the leading daredevil and 'brave' in all Circassia." The writer added: The “Hadji Murad” of the title was an important leader during the mid-19th century Chechen resistance against the incorporation of the region into the Russian empire.
The writer imposed: In "Hadji Murad", Tolstoy, more ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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Circassians’ Success Depends On What Is Right
Beyond the reasonable doubt, the eternal struggle between good and evil represents a chronicle disease among human beings, and even syndrome for the individuals of “ill-gotten gains that never prosper”, even though it is obvious that those and through egotistical activities of misconduct and opportunist motivated gains got no human achievement in respect to nations, peoples, and citizens; but to those self-centered, who voluntarily and/or willingly presented themselves as the servants of their masters, the occupiers of their homeland and the motherland of their own nation, if they ever belonged to a such nation!
To accomplish all of the striking, but conspicuous imperial and colonial greedy burden, all of their acts are intended for the control of lands and territories of small, exploited and demoralized nations that were considered painstaking, soft and easy targets in comparison to a giant and huge power ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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The Text of former President Yeltsin’s Telegram (Wire).
The following is a translation of the telegram (wire) "with no comments", that former Russian President Boris Yeltsin had sent to Circassians and North Caucasians on the memory of the 130 years of the end of the Caucasian / Russian War, which ended in 21-May-1864:
The Text of former President Yeltsin’s Telegram (Wire), to the peoples of the North Caucasus
Appeal to the peoples of the North Caucasus Regarding the elapse of 130 years since the end of the Caucasian/Russian war
Fellow citizens Esquires
The past events bring us back to more than one century, to the years of struggle for the Caucasus and the conflict between the interests of the Russian Empire, Britain, France, Iran, and Turkey, which all bear their shares of moral responsibility to the suffering of the Mountainous peoples(the Circassians).
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