Justice And Legitimate Rights Are Needed…
It is worth reminding whoever would even think that it is possible to foul others, that it would be a voluntary admittance of swimming against the stream of equity and truth, when meeting or satisfying certain suspicious agendas.
So many media establishments and nowadays many Websites were established to deal with people's problems, worries, common interests and wellbeing of Mankind. Most of them were founded for the purpose of justice, fairness, truth, obtaining legitimate rights and highlighting all issues and questions concerning direct and indirect dangers, effects and capabilities.
Circassians and other nations of the North Caucasus Region that are controlled by the Russian state, got no way out yet from the situation that the Russian colonial and occupational authorities had cornered and encircled them with. Those nations got no one to defend them except some Human Rights organizations or individuals in a ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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Fascists & Modern Gas Ovens Prove The Circassian Holocaust
News and through the news agencies in the recent few days have popped up with the news about the crimes that Russia has just committed, which are a continuation of their everlasting crimes against individuals, citizens peoples and nations.
The North Caucasians in general and Circassians in particular got the bitter experience from dealing with the Russian rulers and governments alongside their supporters and agents since the day the Russian imperial policies had started to wage wars of colonialism to capture the land and the nations alike.
This time the crime is of different angle, caliber, size, magnitude, and meaning; but at the same time it is of considered premeditation, willfulness, and with forethought. It is not only a normal or accidental crime, but war crime, murder, assassination, homicide, manslaughter, and killing, against the remains and corpses of ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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Commemorating The Circassian Genocide
Time passes in days, weeks, months, years, and even centuries; but the memory of 21st of May, every year, shall remind of the well-known Russian history of inhuman, unexcused, criminally-persistent, unforgivable, unforgettable, inappropriate, aggressive, brutal, and savage colonial war that Russia waged directly opposite, and facing the Nation and the Country of Circassia, and all the other North Caucasus tiny Nations (comparatively describing), to control and annex the region so as to implement its imperial-colonial ambitious plans of oppressing and dictating the destiny of tens of nations of the North Caucasus and beyond.
Circassians and Adigas commemorate this sad occasion in Motherland and the Diaspora that is extended of 52 countries of the World to honor all of those heroes who devoted their precious lives to their beloved homeland with their valuable sweat and blood, while defending their nation, when the Russian Tsars recruited and hired ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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posted by EAGLE on February 10, 2007 9:55 PM as HUMAN RIGHTS
Putin & Circassian Diaspora
Putin's official visit to Jordan on the 12th of February is regarded as a way of extending and boosting the fields of cooperation in all aspects, which shows the development of better relations with Jordan and the Arab World in recent years and after the fall of the Soviet Union.
The last time that a Russian President had visited Jordan was the time of the funeral of late King Hussein when Boris Yeltsin arrived to the capital city Amman, but fell ill and short of attending the state funeral which took place on Monday 8 February 1999, with the presence of tens of kings and presidents of the world.
News reporters reported that during this visit an important event will take place in establishing the first official contact between a Russian government and the Circassian Diaspora, that was established in Jordan and in ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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posted by EAGLE on December 10, 2006 3:25 PM as HUMAN RIGHTS
With Controversies and contradictions, History Repeats Itself
Controversies and contradictions are the main dominant factors on the present situation which reflects astonishments and surprises alongside the tragic events that took place with all the subsequent effects and turn outs that followed and still.
All of the high sophistications that had been used for committing horrible crimes around the world, with the responsible authorities keeping silent and even shy and bashful to point at the criminal and/or criminals (probably for the possibility of getting a retirement job from one of those giant projects in the future), which obviously is considered crystal clear facts, figures, and traces to follow the criminals and their bosses and associates all the way to their nests, and directly to the point of evil conspiracies’ planning theatre in their ghost-house residencies!
The Late Alexander Litvinenko, (May Almighty God Bless His Scared Soul) ... >> >> Click Here For Full Article...
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