Opportunists And Hypocrisy
According to what the news agencies had reported, the pro-Russian rulers and officials of the Chechen Republic had banned all Danish organizations because of the publication of Prophet Muhammad cartoons.
Opportunists got the chance to get rid of the humanitarian organizations and aid groups that provides food to tens of thousands of Chechen people in war-ravaged Chechnya, which explains their well-known hypocrisy that make them take the advantage of revenging from those respected groups that work for the sake of human beings and the assistance of oppressed Chechen citizens who got the kind help and generous assistance from very few similar groups and organizations.
I think that those who drew, published, distributed, and re-published the cartoons are only evil individuals that do not represent the good people of the nation of Denmark, while those pro-Russian hypocrites and opportunists who do not represent the majority of ...
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