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APRIL 2010

In Nalchik, The Head Of The CID Of KBR Is Killed

posted by eagle on April, 2010 as KABARDINO BALKAR

In Nalchik, the head of the CID of the local Ministry of Internal Affairs is Killed

CHECHENPRESS, 11 .04.2010 PM

In Nalchik, the chief of the Criminal Investigation Department of Kabardino-Balkaria was killed. He died in hospital from his injuries in the explosion of his car.

According to preliminary data, the power of an explosive device was about 200 grams of TNT. The device was incorporated under the driver's seat, which was Shukaev himself.

One of his relatives was with him in the car at the time of the explosion, but was not harmed. 


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Jamestown Foundation: Death Of Anzor Astemirov Does Not Mark The End Of The Insurgency In Kabardino-Balkaria

posted by eagle on as KABARDINO BALKAR

Death of Anzor Astemirov Does not Mark the End of the Insurgency in Kabardino-Balkaria

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor 
April 7, 2010 03:48 PM 

Anzor Astemirov

The end of March 2010 turned out to be eventful in the North Caucasus. First of all, on March 24 the leader of Kabardino-Balkaria’s Yarmuk Jamaat, Anzor Astemirov, was killed in Nalchik, the republic’s capital. Astemirov, known more widely by the name Emir Seifullah (Kommersant, March 26), was born in 1976 in Kremenchuk, Ukraine. He was an ethnic Kabardin and belonged to the prominent princely clan of Kabarda. He held the third highest rank in the hierarchy of the North Caucasus armed resistance (after the emir and the military emir of Caucasus Emirate). He was a qadi, (the head of the Supreme Sharia court). Astemirov was the intellectual component of armed resistance, as was Said Buryatsky, who was recently killed in Ingushetia. Numerous operations aimed to capture Astemirov ...

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