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CK: BEBP Office Set On Fire In Kabardino-Balkaria

posted by eagle on December, 2009 as KABARDINO BALKAR

BEBP office set on fire in Kabardino-Balkaria

Dec 09 2009, 23:10

Today at night, at about 2 a.m., a fire happened in the office of the Board of Elders of the Balkar People (BEBP). It was extinguished by the fire-fighting service of the Ministry for Emergencies of Kabardino-Balkaria. According to BEBP's the office equipment and furniture burnt down.

Presumably, it was a deliberate arson. Most likely, a bottle with incendiary mix was thrown into the window of the office. Now, an inquiry group works there, as reported by the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

The organization is raising the issues of restoring the status of settlements Khasanya and Belaya Rechka, full liquidation of the so-called "inter-village territories", including transfer of adjacent pastures to the respective Balkar settlements and complete territorial rehabilitation of the Balkar people, which means restoration of two more Balkar districts - Chegem and Khulamo-Bezengiev ones.

The BEBP often holds rallies, where resolutions are passed with respective requirements. ...

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CK: Public Of Abkhazia Concerned Of Situation In Kabardino-Balkaria

posted by eagle on as KABARDINO BALKAR

Public of Abkhazia concerned of situation in Kabardino-Balkaria

Dec 08 2009, 20:00

Representatives of the public of Abkhazia express their concern of the recent situation in Kabardino-Balkaria and demand to stop attacks on the leaders of Adyg organizations.

Veterans of the Patriotic War of the people of Abkhazia, members of the public chamber of Abkhazia, faculty of the Abkhazian State University, MPs and the Centre of Humanitarian Programmes have adopted an appeal to the public of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR).

"The attempts on Sufyan Kalebatov, own correspondent of the newspaper 'Northern Caucasus' in Abkhazia and holder of the Order 'Akhdz Apsha', Ruslan Keshev, leader of the public organization 'Circassian Congress', and Hero of Abkhazia Ibragim Yaganov, chairman of the Kabardian public organization "Khasse" - respected people in our republic, having great merits before the people of Abkhazia, were apprehended as the actions of destructive forces trying to destabilize the situation in the KBR and Northern Caucasus," runs ...

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NatPress: At meeting of December, 5th in Nalchik bloodshed is supposed

posted by circassiankama on as KABARDINO BALKAR

  At meeting of December, 5th in Nalchik bloodshed is supposed 


Under some operative information got to the office of the public movement “Khasa” on December, 4th, it began known about plans to destabilize the situation in KBR, using the meeting of December, 5th. The basic question of the meeting, as it is known, is the agrarian question and the returning of pastures to the villages they had earlier owned. According to a source, an attack peace citizens by well paid criminals during the meeting to initiate a massive fight in the crowd is planned.

Besides it, near "Spartak" stadium there will be lorries with employees of militia special troopers, ready to rush into the crowd with nightsticks and to stop disorders rigidly, having beaten all "objectionable". Thus the meeting will be broken; the first purpose of the attackers will be the leaders of the public organizations and their supporters. According to the source, probably, there could be ...

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RFE/RL: Another Circassian Activist Assaulted, Beaten In Nalchik

posted by circassiankama on as KABARDINO BALKAR

Another Circassian Activist Assaulted, Beaten In Nalchik

December 06, 2009
Ibragim Yaganov, one of the leaders of the Circassian public organization Khase, was hospitalized on December 5 after being assaulted and severely beaten at the entrance to the organization's office in Nalchik. Five days earlier, Ruslan Keshev, leader of the public organization Adyghe Khase, was the victim of an identical assault. Both Yaganov and Keshev had been insulted and vilified during a televised "Forum of Youth For Inter-Ethnic Harmony" that took place in Nalchik on November 28.

Yaganov said the people who attacked him on December 5 told him, "We are Muslims, not Circassians," and he inferred from that statement that at least some members of the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic police force have joined forces with Muslim radicals against those Circassians perceived as being in opposition to the republic's leadership. In recent weeks, Khase ...

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RFE/RL: Contested Grazing Grounds

posted by circassiankama on as KABARDINO BALKAR

November 26, 2009

Contested Grazing Grounds

Kabardian public organizations are serious in their plans to campaign for the annulment of the draft law adopted by the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic (KBR) parliament in the first reading on October 30, which transfers some 200,000 hectares of mountain grazing grounds to 16 Balkar-populated villages. Loss of access to those pastures was one of the issues that drove the Balkars to plan a march on Moscow last month.

The draft law was intended to put an end to the long-standing dispute between the Kabardians and Balkars over access to the grazing grounds that until 2005 were public property. But while the Balkars have hailed the draft law as the first step to righting a historic injustice, it has triggered a storm of protest by Kabardian public organizations.

"We found ourselves in a very odd ...

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