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CK: KBR: People Are Searched Who Install Mined Road Signs "Imarat Kavkaz"

posted by eagle on February, 2011 as KABARDINO BALKAR

KBR: people are searched who install mined road signs "Imarat Kavkaz"

Feb 02 2011, 22:30

Persons are searched in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR), who install mined billboards along the roads in dwelling settlements of the republic with inscription "Imarat Kavkaz" or "United Vilayat of Kabarda, Balkaria and Karachay"; they are searched with involvement of aviation, armoured vehicles and special units. Road-patrol services are also involved in the search actions.

Let us remind you that the republic has already fixed four cases of detecting such posters or road signs; most of them were connected to explosive devices, triggered at an attempt to remove them.

The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was told by sources from law enforcement bodies that the boards detected in the morning on 1 February near the village of Zayukovo, Baksan District, and in the Federal Highway between the cities of Chegem and Baksan, bore the names of the sectors of "Imarat Kavkaz".

In the first case, no explosive was detected near the board; in the second case, it was present and had the power of about 3 kilos of TNT-equivalent. The self-made bomb was liquidated by a robot. An inquiry is underway.

On January 31, in the Cherek District of the republic, another self-made explosive device with the power of 6-7 kilos of TNT-equivalent was neutralized. It was planted under a plywood shield with inscription "United Vilayat of Kabarda, Balkaria and Karachay. Central Sector". The bomb was buried at a depth of 1 meter; it was de-mined by sappers.

A poster reading "Imarat Kavkaz - South-East Sector" was found on the same day at the entrance to the village of Urvan from the side of Nalchik. The place with the poster was mined. When trying to remove the poster, Anatoly Sundukov, head of the Urvan ROVD (District Interior Division) of the MIA of the KBR, and his driver were wounded.

See earlier reports: "During 6 days after Domodedovo terror act Northern Caucasus saw 6 armed incidents," "In Kabardino-Balkaria, public and political organizations concerned about situation in republic," "Jemal: split in "Imarat Kavkaz" will help power agents in fighting Chechen militants," "Counterterrorism in Northern Caucasus-2010: Kabardino-Balkaria."

Author: Luiza OrazaevaSource: CK correspondent

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