In Kabardino-Balkaria, public and political organizations concerned about situation in republic
posted by eagle on January, 2011 as KABARDINO BALKAR
In Kabardino-Balkaria, public and political organizations concerned about situation in republic- Fourteen NGOs and political parties of the republic issued a joint statement expressing their concern about the local socio-political situation.
"Over the past few months, residents of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) have witnessed a whole series of terror acts and resonant murders - from the explosion at the Baksan Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) to the murders of Anas Pshihachev, Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the KBR, and Aslan Tsipinov, a prominent scientist. There are rumours about the existence of some "black list", compiled by religious extremists, according to which well-known figures of the republic are liquidated physically," runs the statement.
In the opinion of the authors of the document, "the murders of prominent intellectuals and churchmen are evidences of a heavy disease that has struck a part of our society." "The problem is not just criminogenic, but ...
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Jamestown Foundation: Wave Of Destabilization Swept Kabardino-Balkaria In 2010 (Part One)
posted by eagle on as KABARDINO BALKAR
Wave of Destabilization Swept Kabardino-Balkaria in 2010 (Part One)Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor January 17, 2011 03:59 PM
On December 31, 2010, an Israeli analyst of the situation in Kabardino-Balkaria, Abraham Shmulevich, declared that the republic was entering a state of civil war. This stark warning came after a well-known researcher and popularizer of Circassian traditions and rites, Aslan Tsipinov, was killed on the doorsteps of his home on December 29. Two weeks earlier, on December 15, the republic’s mufti, Anas Pshikhachev, was killed in a similar fashion. As the police in the republic appear to be actually curtailing their presence, especially at night, fears are rising that the next step in Kabardino-Balkaria might be an open civil war between the Islamists and secular nationalists, the latter propped up by Moscow (, December 31, 2010). The young Islamist leader Emir Zakaria (aka Ratmir Shameyev) confirmed that the insurgency would now target not ... >> full
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RFE/RL: North Caucasus Insurgency Admits Killing Circassian Ethnographer
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North Caucasus Insurgency Admits Killing Circassian Ethnographer Kabardino-Balkaria President Arsen Kanokov (left) attends the funeral of the head of Kabardino-Balkaria's Muslim Spiritual Directorate, mufti Anas Pshikhachev, in Nalchik last month. January 10, 2011 In a five-minute video clip posted late on January 8 on Islamdin, the website of the Kabardino-Balkaria-Karachai (KBK) wing of the North Caucasus insurgency, Emir Zakaria affirms that it was his fighters who killed respected Kabardian ethnographer Aslan Tsipinov late last month.
Zakaria branded Tsipinov an "idolator" (mushrik) who sought to corrupt young Muslims by reviving "pagan" rituals. He stressed that the insurgency targets not only members of the police and security forces, but also "hypocrites, idolators, and necromancers," and warned that all such persons risk death at the hands of insurgents unless they repent.
Tsipinov, 51, was a respected ethnographer and folklorist who sought to revive and popularize Circassian national customs, but incurred the wrath of the insurgency by arguing that ... >> full
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CK: Winter Resorts Of Kabardino-Balkaria Are Full Of Tourists
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Winter resorts of Kabardino-Balkaria are full of touristsThis year, during the New Year holidays, the region near the Elbrus Mount - the main winter resort of Kabardino-Balkaria - has already been visited by more than seven thousand tourists. This was reported by Alice Tarim, press secretary of the administration of the Elbrus District. According to her story, all the hotels and chalets of the Elbrus area are crowded; the tourists are lucky, as there is quite enough snow in the mountains for skiing, snowboarding, free ride and other winter sports. "This year, among new entertainments in the Elbrus area is a rise to the top by a helicopter with further descend on skis. Extreme riders, who are not afraid of danger, are descending along non-tried routes," Alice Tarim gave her interview to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent while skiing herself on Cheget. According to Ms Tarim, during the New Year holidays, the income of ... >> full
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CK: Kabardino-Balkaria: Explosion In A Night Club
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