CK: Unidentified Persons Burn Down Shop In Kabardino-Balkaria
posted by eagle on April, 2011 as KABARDINO BALKAR
Unidentified persons burn down shop in Kabardino-BalkariaIn the village of Khasanya, a suburb of Nalchik, the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, people in masks burned down a grocery store. Nobody was hurt. According to the press service of the national operational headquarters, last night two unidentified men entered the shop, poured flammable liquid around, set it on fire and then fled. The crime is being investigated, the "Rosbalt" reports. See earlier reports: "In Dagestan, father of detainee on suspicion of burning down a shop states innocence of his son," "Liquor store in Dagestan taken under fire and sales assistant injured," "In Makhachkala, bomb blows up at drugstore door."
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Jamestown Foundation: Kabardino-Balkaria’s Government Blamed For Allowing Region’s Destabilization
posted by eagle on as KABARDINO BALKAR
Kabardino-Balkaria’s government blamed for allowing region’s destabilizationPublication: Eurasia Daily Monitor April 4, 2011 04:18 PM
 Arsen Kanokov (Moscow Times)
On April 1, the head of Kabardino-Balkaria, Arsen Kanokov, and Moscow’s envoy to the North Caucasus, Aleksandr Khloponin, jointly announced that the resignation of the republic’s government was imminent, probably due on April 4. Kanokov held his government responsible for Kabardino-Balkaria’s instability over the previous several months. "The government is responsible, in particular, for interaction with youth, for fighting the religious extremism,” Kanokov stated. "I plan to strengthen precisely these sides in the new administration.” Khloponin reassured Kanokov that he still trusted him and that he did not think Kanokov himself was responsible for the instability that has been growing Kabardino-Balkaria since May 2010 (, April 1).
Aleksandr Merkulov was appointed as the head of Kabardino-Balkaria’s government in August 2009, following his predecessor, Andrei Yarin’s departure to the Russian president’s administration. Merkulov and Yarin, ... >> full
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Itar-Tass: Government of Kabardino- Balkaria dismissed
posted by eagle on as KABARDINO BALKAR
Government of Kabardino- Balkaria dismissed
04.04.2011, 12.19
| NALCHIK, April 4 (Itar-Tass) -- Kabardino- Balkaria's President Arsen Kanokov has signed a decree, dismissing the local government headed by Prime Minister Alexander Merkulov, the presidential administration told Itar-Tass on Monday. "The decree has been signed. The government will be officially informed about its dismissal at a conference on Monday," it said. President Kanokov believes that the government was responsible for the deterioration of the situation in Kabardino-Balkaria in recent months. The president said that after a new government was appointed he would build up efforts to improve the work with young people in the republic and intensify the struggle against religious extremism. Outgoing Prime Minister Alexander Merkulov occupied the post of the head of the government of Kabardino-Balkaria since August 2009. In September 2010 after Kanokov was re-appointed President of Kabardino-Balkaria for another term the local parliament unanimously re-endorsed Merkulov in the post of the prime minister. |
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Russian Colonization Thugs
posted by eagle on March, 2011 as KABARDINO BALKAR
Russian Colonization Thugs
Recently news emerged through web sites on the World Wide Web and the media statements that reproduced Russian state television channels, and attributed to a spokesman presented as a leader of the "secret" group which is called "Black Hawks”, a group of Anti-Wahhabism, described through television interviews by Russian Television Channels, and was give the domain to spit his venom that almost known of its source, in order to penetrate the barrier of the Russian incapacitation, promote the Byzantine debate, threats and insults. The alleged leader of the group said, calling his group, the Group of "Anti-Wahhabism" and calling itself the Black Hawks (Chernye Yasterby) in a television interview with Ren-TV that his group would kill the children of the rebels.?? "Let them [the militants] collect tribute from businessmen and vodka barons, but do not let them kill our children”, said the leader of the Black Hawks, who did not give his ... >> full
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Jamestown Foundation: Kabardino-Balkaria’s “Black Hawks:” Grassroots Vigilantes Or FSB Surrogates?
posted by eagle on as KABARDINO BALKAR
Kabardino-Balkaria’s "Black Hawks:” Grassroots Vigilantes or FSB Surrogates?Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor March 11, 2011 03:06 PM
Over the past month or so, the Russian media have been very actively reporting on the creation of an anti-Wahhabi paramilitary unit operating on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria in response to the actions of insurgents against members of law enforcement agencies. It has been also claimed that this unit will kill family members of militants. There are several aspects of this story that are highly disturbing and alarming: the name of the paramilitary unit, its alleged members giving interviews to any Moscow journalist they bump into, and the way Russia’s state-controlled media outlets suddenly started advertising this mythical organization.
The fact is that in early February 2011, a statement was disseminated in Nalchik, the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, about the creation of an organization called the "Black Hawks.” A man in a black mask hiding his face ... >> full
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