Attacks Against Security Elements Doubled In Kabardino-Balkaria
Nalchik / Agency Caucasus - according to the Commission of Inquiry of the Public Prosecutor in Kabardino-Balkaria, the attacks that targeted police elements in the Republic over the past year had risen by double the amount compared to what it was in the year 2007.
The Committee noted that the number of attacks carried out by extremist religious movements against the security elements reached to 36 attacks that killed 11 security elements, while the number of attacks that occurred in the previous year had been 17 attacks resulted in the death of four policemen only.
The attacks that took place last year resulted in killing two soldiers and wounding 29 persons, while the number of injuries during 2007 was only five.
Human rights activists of Kabardino-Balkaria link restriction of juries with the Nalchik attack case
mar 07 2009, 13:00
The participants of the roundtable, held at the Public Human Rights Centre of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) believe that the restriction of juries is related to the particular criminal case, which considers the events on October 13, 2005, in Kabardino-Balkaria.
"In our opinion, the refusal from juries in cases dealing with terrorism and other anti-state crimes means a departure from democracy standards. These amendments are contradictory to the Constitution," said the head of the Centre Valery Khatazhukov in his opening word.
In Mr Khatazhukov's opinion, the very fact that at the process in the Supreme Court of Kabardino-Balkaria the prosecution stood for cancelling the jury on the criminal case on the events of October 13, 2005, indicates that the accusation party was not sure of ...
On February 14, the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic (KBR) authorities convened a roundtable discussion in Nalchik under the rubric "For Peace, Stability and Interethnic Accord."
According to on February 10, that roundtable was intended as a substitute for a congress of Kabardian public organizations scheduled for February 15 that has been postponed indefinitely as a result of talks between the organizers and both republican and federal officials, including Russian presidential-administration member Renat Karchaa. But on February 17, Gumar Murzakanov, chairman of the public organization Dje Mak (Appeal) and one of the congress organizers, described the roundtable as a necessary interim stage preceding the planned congress.
The planned congress was organized in response to the passage by the republic's parliament in the first reading on November 25 of a draft law amending legislation passed in 2005 On the Status and ...
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