Access To Warm Waters Across Blood Tinged Sea
posted by eagle on August, 2010 as Imperialism
Access to Warm Waters Across Blood Tinged Sea
By: Eagle Nations and peoples have every right to live decently in their own homeland, freely and without interference or custody of anyone, and in accordance with the supreme humanitarian principles; but from time to time greedy foreign powers emerge in order to impose control over the oppressed nations and peoples, as well as to occupy the homelands of others, by killing and displacing of the vast majority of peaceful citizens through bloodshed of the innocent, without a sway of scruples or deterrent of moral, and without showing the least of pettiness or mercy towards the victims who got the sanctity of their homelands, honors, homes and their privacy violated.
That one wonders of conspiratorial desperate attempts that are intended finishing point of an important Caucasian subject, as well as finishing the rest of the components and symbols of a nation that had lost a lot ... >> full
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Window On Eurasia: Another Attack On The Prerogatives Of Non-Russian Republics
posted by eagle on as Imperialism
Paul Goble
Staunton, August 26 – Leaders of the Bashkortostan sections of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, and the Just Russia Party have called on newly installed Bashkortostan President Rustem Khamitov to eliminate obligatory instruction in Bashkir in the schools of the republic. Rifkat Gardanov, KPRF leader there, told the Ufa edition of "Kommersant” that he had taken the lead in calling for reducing the republic component of educational programs from the 30 percent of instructional time as it is in the Bashkir republic now to the federally mandated five percent and to make courses in Bashkir optional rather than required. Perhaps significantly, the paper reported that the United Russia representative did not say whether he supported the idea and that Khamitov himself reacted cautiously. But the appeal and the way it ... >> full
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Window On Eurasia: Could A Federal District Become The Basis Of An Ethnic Russian Republic?
posted by eagle on as Imperialism
Paul Goble
Staunton, August 27 – In a move that one Russian commentator suggests lies somewhere between a provocation by Russian regionalists and an effort by a federal district to gain more autonomy, a group called the Civic Initiative for the Establishment of the Zalesskaya Rus’ Republic has proposed transforming the Central Federal District into an ethnic Russian republic. While it is unlikely that Moscow would ever approve such a measure, it is intriguing on at least three grounds. First, this draft measure calls attention to the growth and increasing sophistication of regionalist groups among ethnic Russians, at least some of whom appear ready to piggyback on the federal districts to promote their agendas. Second, it suggests, one commentary suggests (, that some federal district officials may be prepared to cooperate or at least exploit these ... >> full
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Window On Eurasia: Non-Russian Republics A ‘Luxury’ Russia Can No Longer Afford, Moscow Journalist Says
posted by eagle on as Imperialism
Paul Goble
Staunton, August 25 – Russia can no longer afford "the luxury” of existence of non-Russian republics within its borders, formations that were created by the Bolsheviks to purchase the loyalty of the non-Russians against the White Movement, according to a leading Moscow journalist who cites Kremlin ideologist Vladislav Surkov in support of his ideas. Writing in "Izvestiya” last week, Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich, a special correspondent for that paper and a senior editor of "Russky reporter,” says that Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov’s proposal to do away with the presidential titles of the leaders of the non-Russian republics does not go far enough ( Kadyrov’s initiative, Sokolov-Mitrich continues, "merits serious attention. Much more serious than it may seem even to the initiator of it himself.” Indeed, the journalist says, if Russians are prepared to say A, they ... >> full
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Window On Eurasia: Are Russia’s Non-Russian Republics Now At Risk?
posted by eagle on as Imperialism
Paul Goble
Staunton, August 16 – Even as most of the heads of Russia’s non-Russian republics are declaring that they are prepared to follow Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov’s lead and no longer call themselves presidents, a few of these leaders appear to be concerned that this is yet another step toward the elimination of these republics altogether. Yesterday, Karachayevo-Cherkessia’s Boris Ebzeyev and Mari El’s Leonid Markelov said that they like the leaders of the North Caucasus republics agreed with Kadyrov that there should be only one president in the Russian Federation but said that should not lead to the elimination of the republics such officials, whatever they are to be called. Ebzeyev said that in his view, "it is still early to speak about the elimination of such subjects,” while acknowledging that "even if the national republics were eliminated, we would ... >> full
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