Prague Watchdog: Russian Ruler’s Personal Spetsnaz
posted by FerrasB on June, 2008 as Imperialism
Russian ruler’s personal spetsnaz Russian ruler’s personal spetsnaz By Sergei Gligvashvili, special to Prague Watchdog Rumours that the ground is crumbling under Ramzan Kadyrov’s feet and that his demise is imminent are sending tremors of excitement through Chechnya with enviable regularity. During Dmitry Medvedev’s presidential campaign, the community of experts and political analysts put into circulation the idea of a "thaw", claiming to perceive some prospects of a new, more liberal course. According to the predictions Kadyrov was to be the first victim of the liberal model, as he is the most odious Russian regional politician and is not linked to any normal standards of democracy. The rumours have acquired such threatening proportions that Kadyrov himself has been forced to issue a denial. At a cabinet meeting on June 1 he announced that no personnel changes are planned. Dmitry Medvedev’s behaviour in the role of master of the Kremlin is giving fewer and fewer reasons ... >> full
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NatPress: Leaders Of Republics Should Keep Their Powers
posted by FerrasB on as Imperialism
Leaders of republics should keep their powers 10.6.2008 "Irrespectively of how the post of the head of republic is called, it should keep its widest powers", - such opinion was stated by the chairman of the committee on legislation of the parliament of Kabardino-Balkaria Ruslan Abazov, making comments on the information, appeared in the mass media and concerned that in the State Soviet of Tatarstan in the near future they would be going to adopt amendments in the constitution abolishing the post of the president of the republic, IА REGNUM correspondent reported. In Abazov’s opinion, "for Kabardino-Balkaria, which economy rises, where due to the new president there are significant motions, as well as in the social sphere; so it would be unreasonable now to change something, to reconstruct, to break it". In the State Soviet of Tatarstan the information was denied that the state body of Tatarstan prepares for adoption of amendments ... >> full
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Prague Watchdog: “We Must Cut Chechnya Off From Politics Altogether”
posted by FerrasB on as Imperialism
“We must cut Chechnya off from politics altogether” “We must cut Chechnya off from politics altogether” In prefacing this interview we feel it may not be superfluous to point out that the editors proceed on the basis of the inviolability of all democratic principles, especially those relating to the equality of peoples, races and nations. While sharing none of the sentiments and assessments of Alexander Dugin, we nevertheless consider it extremely important to let him speak. The ideas he expresses contain a reflection of moods that are widespread among many people in Russia today. Moreover, on certain points he divines several real problems that confront Chechen society. The editors Prague Watchdog: You often say and write that the Chechens’ tribal way of life has created a special type of culture and social behaviour that conflicts with the social and political structure of the modern Chechen Republic. Why? Alexander Dugin: Chechnya is structured in a very ... >> full
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Window On Eurasia: Tatar Leader Rejects Putin Model Of Federalism
posted by FerrasB on as Imperialism
Monday, June 16, 2008 Window on Eurasia: Tatar Leader Rejects Putin Model of Federalism Paul Goble June 16 – Tatarstan President Mintimir Shaimiyev has called for a return to the direct election of the heads of subjects of the federation and an end to the Russian president’s power to prorogue regional assemblies, a direct attack on the Putin system that could prove to be a swansong for the longtime regional leader or the opening of a new era in Russian politics. In a speech to the Tenth World Congress of the Russian Press on Saturday that was widely reported today, Shaimiyev said that “we will return” to an elected system, adding that in the meantime he opposes the Russian president having the right to dissolve a regional legislature that does not approve his candidate because that body is “elected by the people.” The Tatarstan leader, one of the cleverest politicians in Russia today, expressed himself ... >> full
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Agency Caucasus: Russia Builds New Military Base In Abkhazia, Georgian Spokesman
posted by FerrasB on as Imperialism
Tbilisi/Agency Caucasus – has been building a new military base in Abkhazia, claimed Tornik Kilanav, Georgian spokesman for the Abkhazian government in exile in Upper Kodor . The Russian army has been building its new military base in the Agubediya village of Ochamchira district, argued Kilanav. The army of located various items of military equipment, including tanks, in its base, according to Kilanav. He further argued that a system of aerial defence was set up in Agubediya, a village which Kilanav said was strategically important because it allowed members of the Russian army in its military base here to check-ins and check-outs in both upper and lower Gal. Kilanav’s claims, however, met with immediate refutation from the Russian administration. Col. Aleksandr Drobishevski, spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defence, dismissed Kilanav’s arguments as untruthful. “The claims that a new military base was built up in an Abkhazian district are simply newfangled ... >> full
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