PRIMA-News: Russian Monuments Desecrated In Western Ukraine
posted by FerrasB on May, 2005 as Imperialism
20.6.2005 19:14 MSK Russian monuments desecrated in Western Ukraine UKRAINE, Lvov. There have been several attacks on Russian Cultural Centre in Lvov since the beginning of the year. Recently vandals have smashed up poet Alexander Pushkin’s bust on the fa?ade of the building and broke windows, the Centre’s administration told PRIMA-News correspondent on 17 June. Centre’s managers said that Ukrainian ultra-nationalists continue to smash up window glass, throw Molotov cocktails in the windows, fire air guns and graffiti the walls with insults aimed against Russian people. Russian Foreign Ministry voiced repeated protests but Ukrainian security forces failed to arrest perpetrators. In the city of Lvov, a street named after Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov has been renamed after late Chechen rebel leader Dzhokhar Doudayev and Ghertsen street that used to bear the name of the well-known Russian political writer has now been named after Ukrainian writer Oles Gonchar who in 1974 took part in persecutions ... >> full
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Interfax: Eight Countries Want Russia To Return Cultural Valuables
posted by FerrasB on as Imperialism
Jun 8 2005 2:27PM Eight countries want Russia to return cultural valuables
MOSCOW. June 8 (Interfax) - Eight countries have filed official claims seeking the return by Russia of cultural valuables, Culture and Mass Media Minister Alexander Sokolov told a State Duma session on Wednesday.
"Eight countries have filed official claims with regard to the return by Russia of cultural valuables," Sokolov said.
Work with these claims requires "very powerful expert support" from a variety of agencies, the minister said.
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RFE/RL: Russia Agrees To Pull Troops From Georgia By 2008
posted by FerrasB on as Imperialism
Russia Agrees To Pull Troops From Georgia By 2008 By Robert Parsons Georgia -- Zourabichvili, Salome (Foreign Minister), 06.05.05 Georgian Foreign Minister Zourabichvili Prague, 30 May 2005 (RFE/RL) -- Russia and Georgia have signed an agreement on the withdrawal of Russian military bases from Georgia by 2008. The presence of the troops has bedeviled Russian-Georgian relations for the most part of the last decade. The agreement was signed in Moscow by Georgian Foreign Minister Salome Zourabichvili and her Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov. Lavrov told journalists in Moscow that the document agreed by the two sides spells out not just the date for completion of the Russian troops' withdrawal from Georgia but also a schedule for a stage-by-stage exit. "The withdrawal will be completed by the end of 2008," he said. "The declaration outlines every stage of this withdrawal in utmost detail." The deputy commander of Russian troops in the southern Caucasus said the process of withdrawal of ... >> full
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Chechenpress: The Legal Estimation Of The Chechen Independence
posted by FerrasB on as Imperialism
May, 28, 2005 The legal estimation of the Chechen independence The aggression concerning the peoples of the Caucasus began in the 19-th century and, as already the modern history shows, proceeds till now. For the first time the Caucasian people, organized in a state, rendered the most severe armed resistance to Russia led by their Muslim leader Sheikh Shamil. In 1859 he was captivated, and in 1864 the Caucasian territories were completely occupied by imperial Russia , and people were pressed to the mountains. The Caucasian war proceeded since 1817 till 1864, being accompanied with violent imposing of the Russian culture and language. The occupation of the Caucasian land does not mean that the Chechen people have completely lost their culture and aspiration for independence, even being a part of the Russian empire, during all three centuries, peoples of the Caucasus showed feasible resistance often simply passing into an armed one. The overthrow ... >> full
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Chechenpress: President Of The CRI On Celebrations Of Victory Day In Moscow
posted by FerrasB on as Imperialism
May, 28, 2005 The Application of the President of the CRI A.-H. Sadulaev in relation to the celebrations of the 60 th anniversary of the Victory Day in Moscow In the name of Gracious and Merciful Allah! Misters! Today you have gathered together for the declared by the Kremlin regime celebrations in connection of the “Victory Day” over German fascism. I would be glad to welcome your "representative forum" if though it corresponded to the validity even a little bit. In fact, there are very few peoples in the world, like, for example, Chechens, who have experienced all horrors of the fascist regime of the Russian empire during the four-century history of struggle for freedom and independence. For many people, including Chechens, the true consists in an objective assessment of the results of the Second World War, which radically differ from the Russian interpretation. The matter is that 60 years ago one form of fascism ... >> full
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