Jamestown Foundation: Made In Germany For Russia’s Army
posted by eagle on February, 2011 as Imperialism
Made In Germany For Russia’s ArmyPublication: Eurasia Daily Monitor February 14, 2011 03:10 PM Kamov Ka 52 will be used on the Mistral. Germany is joining a scramble among West-European producers of military equipment for Russian orders. NATO and the United States are silent bystanders to this growing trend, which challenges the Alliance’s defense posture and planning, as well as the US’s hitherto trend-setting role in the Alliance.
On February 9 in Moscow, the Chairman of Dusseldorf-based Rheinmetall Defense, Klaus Eberhardt, signed with Russian Defense Minister, Anatoliy Serdyukov, an agreement whereby Rheinmetall will plan and equip a troop training center in Russia. The center is to be co-located with Russia’s main artillery training range at Mulino near Nizhniy Novgorod on the Volga. It will enable Russian brigade-sized units to test combat readiness for combined-arms operations, using Rheinmetall’s state-of-the-art equipment to simulate realistic battlefield conditions and assess troop and staff performance.
In addition, Russia’s defense ... >> full
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CK: Khloponin: Authorities' Blunders Contribute To Spread Of Extremism
posted by eagle on as Imperialism
Khloponin: authorities' blunders contribute to spread of extremismOn February 9, Alexander Khloponin, Plenipotentiary of Russian President in the North-Caucasian Federal District (NCFD), said, when meeting students in Nalchik, that the main reason for the spread of religious extremism and terrorism is the growth of corruption as a result of "essential deficiencies of the authorities, both regional and federal." Mr Khloponin's meeting with students of the leading universities of Kabardino-Balkaria was held as a questions-and-answers session. The event was attended by about two hundred persons. According to the Plenipotentiary, extremism stems, first of all, from authorities' blunders, which also contributed to social injustice, when "innocent people are punished, while those guilty are not; some people are allowed to break the law, while others are not." He also named the "bandit property division" among the main reasons for the spread of terrorism. According to his story, "many of those who hide themselves under Islam are ... >> full
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Window On Eurasia: Russia’s Structural, Fiscal And Demographic Trends Producing A Disaster, Standard & Poor’s Says
posted by eagle on as Imperialism
Window on Eurasia: Russia’s Structural, Fiscal and Demographic Trends Producing a Disaster, Standard & Poor’s SaysPaul Goble
Vienna, February 14 – Unless Russia carries out serious fiscal and political reforms, within 40 years, its state debt will rise to almost six times its GDP, a situation that will exacerbate and be exacerbated by its demographic decline, in which by mid-century, the "weight” of pensioners on working age Russians will be twice what it is today.
Those are the stark conclusions of a study conducted by the Western rating agency, Standard & Poor’s, and a disturbing reminder of the way in which the structural, fiscal and demographic trends of Russia, like those of many other countries, are interconnected and thus that much more difficult to solve (www.nr2.ru/rus/320244.html).
And while such interconnections are often the subject of discussion in Western countries, most research on Russia, including by Russian specialists, have typically focused ... >> full
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Window On Eurasia: Each Region In Russian Federation Has Its Own ‘Nationality Policy,’ Expert Says
posted by eagle on as Imperialism
Window on Eurasia: Each Region in Russian Federation has Its Own ‘Nationality Policy,’ Expert SaysPaul Goble
Vienna, February 10 – Even as Moscow attempts to come up with a nationality policy for the Russian Federation, each of the country’s federal subjects has pursued its own specific policy in this area, something that means regardless of what the center does, Russia already is a country with a multitude of official nationality "policies,” according to a leading Moscow expert. In an essay on the "Russky zhurnal” portal, Rostislav Turovsky, a political scientist at Moscow State University who specializes in regional issues, notes that "in the majority of Russian regions, a carefully thought out and well-based nationality policy simply does not exist” (www.russ.ru/pole/Tehnologiya-nacional-noj-politiki). But in those places where it does exist -- predominantly ethnic Russian or not -- the actual policy varies widely depending "on the personality of the governor” and on whether ... >> full
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Jamestown Foundation: A Long Way To Zero: Moscow Remains Reluctant To Take The Next Step
posted by eagle on as Imperialism
A Long Way to Zero: Moscow Remains Reluctant to Take the Next StepPublication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 8 Issue: 30 February 11, 2011 02:22 PM Age: 21 hrs With the ratification of the START III agreement by the Russian Duma and Federation Council in addition to its signing by President, Dmitry Medvedev, the treaty reached the final stage of becoming a binding agreement for the two major nuclear powers involved. The formal exchange of the signed documents by Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, and US Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, marked the culmination of that process. The treaty is the most evident success in the Obama administration’s "reset” policy with Russia and the first step toward the goal of "Global Zero” in nuclear disarmament, which President Obama endorsed in his speech in Prague in April 2009. At that time Obama warned that such a process would take generations. The successful negotiation ... >> full
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