MosNews: Schroeder Denies Russian Paper’s Report On His Wish To Do PR For Russia
posted by FerrasB on February, 2006 as Imperialism
Gerhard Schroeder / Photo: AFP Gerhard Schroeder / Photo: AFP Schroeder Denies Russian Paper’s Report on His Wish to Do PR for Russia 29/03/2006 MosNews Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder denied on Tuesday, March 28, a newspaper report that he had offered to help set up a lobby firm to improve Russia’s image in the West. Schroeder was responding to a report made by Russian daily Kommersant. The paper published an article saying that the ex-German leader would set out plans for a lobby firm at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin due to take place in Moscow this week. Schroeder said that instead he had floated the idea of a think-tank to improve ties between the countries. “I never proposed the creation of a PR firm or advertising agency,” Shroeder said in a statement, quoted by the Reuters agency. “We are talking about the establishment of a German-Russian think tank that would examine ways to ... >> full
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Kavkaz Center: Lawmakers Accuse Russia of Abuses In Chechnya
posted by FerrasB on as Imperialism
Lawmakers accuse Russia of abuses in Chechnya Europe must not by duped by Russian claims that Moscow is fighting a war against terror in Chechnya and turn a blind eye to abuses committed in the rebel province, lawmakers participating in a conference here said Monday. "Russia is busy deceiving the world by saying that the war in Chechnya is a war against terrorism. The truth is that Russia is carrying out a determined policy to annihilate the Chechen people," Lithuanian lawmaker Rytas Kupcinskas, one of the organisers of the conference, told a press conference. The seminar on Chechnya was held to mark the 62nd anniversary of what Chechens call Deportation Day. On February 23, 1944, almost half a million Chechens and Ingush were forcibly moved to central Asia, on orders from then Soviet leader Josef Stalin. Lawmakers from Estonia, Georgia and Lithuania who took part in the conference along with Chechen officials and a ... >> full
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Moscow Times: Looking Into The Mirror Of Russian History
posted by FerrasB on as Imperialism
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 Looking Into the Mirror of Russian History Letters In response to "The Speech of the Century," a column by Richard Lourie on Feb. 20. Editor, Lourie ended his piece with a simple, yet all important question: Has Russia come to terms with its past? He suggests further that if the answer is no, it could dramatically affect Russia's future. Why is this important? And can we answer this question now? First, it is important because no nation has long survived, or certainly advanced its culture or civilization, without first taking a long and honest look into the mirror of its own history, acknowledging its sins and failures, and doing whatever it takes to cleanse itself. Only then can a people's full and well-directed energies be put to work to build a new and brighter future. In the case of Japan, Germany and Italy in the World War II, by their defeat they were ... >> full
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Moscow Times: Aggravating The Governors
posted by FerrasB on as Imperialism
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 Aggravating the Governors By Nikolai Petrov The agenda for the upcoming State Council meeting on regional policy has yet to be finalized, but the Kremlin has already implemented a new approach to dealing with regional political elites. By appointing the heads of nearly half of Russia's 88 regions last year, President Vladimir Putin has created a potent resource that the Kremlin will be able to draw on in the future. Only a handful of governors come up for reappointment this year, but past experience suggests that Putin won't let this stop him making more sweeping changes. Only one regional leader has been replaced since the start of the year -- Magomedali Magomedov, who had ruled Dagestan since 1991. Sergei Katanandov, who heads the republic of Karelia, is currently up for reappointment. For years, Dagestan was the only region that did not have a popularly elected leader. Magomedov's official title was ... >> full
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Egypt Today: The Other Imperialist
posted by FerrasB on as Imperialism
Members of North Ossetian Parliament ask not to allow withdrawal of peace keepers from South Ossetia NORTH OSSETIA, 16 February, Caucasus Times. Interfax reported that North Ossetian Parliament sent an address to the leadership of the country in connection with the situation in South Ossetia. In its address, North Ossetian Parliament expressed deep concern about the escalation of tension in the zone of operation of the Russian peace keepers in South Ossetia. “We express our resolute condemnation of the provocative actions of hard-liners among Georgian leadership who are turning the process of settling this conflict into destructive sphere”, - the document stresses. Address indicates that numerous declarations of Georgian side about the necessity to withdraw Russian peace keepers from the conflict zone and to have South Ossetia to join Georgia endanger the population of South Ossetia, most of whom are holders of Russian citizenship. Members of North Ossetian Parliament called Russian leadership not to ... >> full
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