Russian Paranoid FSB Sees «Lithuanian Spies» Under Every Bush
posted by zaina19 on November, 2006 as Imperialism
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/1/2006 4:21 AM Russian Paranoid FSB Sees «Lithuanian Spies» Under Every Bush Publication time: Today at 07:50 Djokhar time Lithuanian Foreign Minister Petras Vaitiekunas denied Russian reports that there were spies from his country in Russia, or anyone violating Lithuanian or international laws.
"We are not carrying out such activities," Vaitiekunas said after meeting with President Valdas Adamkus on Oct. 31. The minister was reacting to reports that people had been detained in Russia for spying for Lithuania.
The Internet-based news portal Delfi cited Russian media on Oct. 31, saying that Russian Petty Officer Vasily Khitryuk, who was recently detained in the Kaliningrad region, was not the only person suspected for spying for Lithuania. Russian media said that Russia had detained two Lithuanians on spying charges before.
A Russian terrorist, Nosov, from the FSB said that the two spying cases had been "fully proven" and only the "gentlemanly behavior" of ... >>full
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/3/2006 2:03 PM Mountain Altai does not give up sovereignty 1.11.2006
The next possible project of the regions’ integration appeared to be near to failure. On October 31st as a united front against association of Republic of Altai with Altai territory the Kurultai of the Altai people (the public organization represents the interests of the indigenous population of the republic), together with the recently created movement "For republic!" and the deputies of the State assembly of Mountain Altai.
At the session of the State assembly 30 from among 35 present deputies (41 deputies in the parliament in total) adopted a proclamation for inadmissibility of liquidation of the Altai Republic. "The begun process of liquidation of the republic passes without taking into account of the national-historical traditions, social and economic expediency, political prospects, - it was spoken in the document. - Further moving in that direction can ... >>full
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/4/2006 4:14 PM When Consciousness Is Clear And Awareness Is High
The following is a copy of a letter that was sent recently to Mr. Mikael Storsjö, and the reply that was received, are presented to the respected readers without comments, concerning the issues of recent developments in the North Caucasus, which are necessarily connected to all atrocities that Russian Imperialism had caused and still for all the colonized nations in the North Caucasus and beyond:
Dear Mr. Mikael Storsjö,
How are you and how are things?
I hope that all just fine.
There is good news nowadays that is leading towards following the right path to restore the stolen rights that the Russian Imperialism confiscated from tens of nations.
It seems that a wake up call had already come out for people to claim their legitimate rights from those who occupied the land, committed the genocide, and harmed the human ... >>full
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/14/2006 4:48 AM Russians Imperialists Preparing Military Invasion of Geogia Publication time: 10 November 2006, 14:25
Givi Targamadze, chairman of parliamentary committee on security and defense, states about possible threats from Russian side. Targamadze stated to journalists while commenting on the statement of Gela Bezhuashvili, Georgian Foreign Minister, that there is a concrete preparation of military actions against Georgia, thus Russia has not made a decision yet.
According to Targamadze, existence of such plan is confirmed by the fact that representatives of political circles in Russia speak about necessity to settle any problems with Georgia in a peaceful way.
Targamadze once again urges the international organizations to assist Georgia kin monitoring conflict zones.
According to Russian mass media Georgia is afraid of military attack from Russia.
"There is a threat of a military attack and that is why I am visiting Paris an other European cities to urge ... >>full
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 11/14/2006 9:15 AM Case about Adygs-Shapsugs’ natural rights grows as snowball 14.11.2006
The case on protection of the rights of the indigenous people of Krasnodar territory - Adygs-Shapsugs - grows as a snowball. The authorized representative Zaurbek Shu informed that to IА REGNUM correspondent on November 12th. We shall remind, on September 14th this year Haret Tesheva and Islam Napso had sent their applications to Lazarevsky district court of Sochi town - "About contest of inactivity of the institutions of the local government and recognition partially invalid the statutory act of the institutions of the local government". However that judicial instance made a definition about returning of the applications on the basis of that that case should be considered in another instance - the Central district court of Sochi.
According to Shu, that verdict could have been challenged in the cassation order. However, the authorized representative ... >>full
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