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Рафис Кашапов

posted by zaina19 on December, 2008 as Imperialism

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/19/2007 10:53 PM
18-12-2007 08:01 (reference(link))
Рафис Кашапов
  Рафис Кашапов
Peter's I secret will
Peter's I secret will

On a new historical coil...
It is difficult to find such terms in official history of Russia as "colonization", « capture of another's territories », "occupation", "aggression", « colonial wars »: In its(her) historiography only such expressions, as « development of the new grounds », « peace ocurrence in structure of Russian state », "reunion", « peace acts of Russian землепроходцев », as a rule, use.
On every possible « round tables », the debates, devoted to becoming of Russia, the saving, on duty application(statement) for фашиствующих Russophiles became mere allegation, that «... The unique country in the world, not known colonies, is Russia! ». This open great-power lie became a corner stone-base of the national policy(politics) spent and for today by governors of all branches of authority of modern Russia.
Other majestic lie in Russian the histories, deserving special attention and expecting the hour of final exposure, is the monstrous myth about so-called « the татаро-Mongolian yoke » in Russia. Strange it was, this yoke for which period economic, cultural blossoming and political consolidation in Russia, when it(she) is necessary unknown till that time, being under "yoke", had time to conduct aggressive wars, expanding the possession when the brisk trade with the overseas countries when magnificent complexes of orthodox temples and monasteries – masterpieces of " the Gold ring » in which were made молебны in glory of Russia were under construction was conducted. Russia inspiredly celebrated religious practices of Orthodoxy under a "crimson" sound of bells... Yes, a strange yoke, is not that so? A yoke at which have occured(happened) association of specific princedoms, centralization of authority and occurrence (for the first time in history!) statehood of Russia...
Undoubtedly, this crazy myth has been created by Russian autocracy for concealment of the crimes, the incalculable evil deeds accomplished by Russia against next non-russian people during the colonial wars.
In consciousness of Russian people it is possible to explain survivability of this myth only continuous reanimation of this lie at the state level. It, unfortunately, proceeds and to this day.
Politicians of Russia, trying to reject at any cost the sovereignty of national republics, approve(confirm), that on boundless open spaces of Eurasia by the moment of their capture by Russian, ostensibly there were no state formations(educations), there were no people – carriers(bearers) of the settled traditions, the nomadic, half-civilized tribes, worshipped to idols and fire wandered there, in « a wild floor(field) ». Attempts to apply this махрово-racist theory concerning territories of the Volga region, Urals Mountains, Kazakhstan and Siberia are especially persevering.
The history unequivocally says, that in these regions by the moment of Russian invasion there was a set of the states: Kazan, Astrakhan, Kalmyk, Siberian and others ханства. By the way, Siberian ханство reached from spurs of Urals Mountains up to coast of Pacific ocean.
Politicians of Russia persistently try to inspire the public and heads of the West an idea on ostensibly legitimacy of the imperial concept about « uniform, indivisible » Russia. But, alas, historic facts testify to the return, events. Other is approved(confirmed) also with the chronology made according to Historical, Big and Small encyclopedias. This brief chronology differently you will not name, as the annals of origin, becoming, impetuous расползания Russian empire – prisons of people, empires of a harm and lie.
So, for a full illustration I represent attention of the reader brief extracts from these encyclopedias:
1346 – the grounds Komis of edge(territory) have appeared under oppression of the Moscow princedom.
1478 – Kareliya was a part of Russian state.
1489 – Northern Udmurtiya is attached to Moskovia.
1552 – it is destroyed Kazan ханство.
« On August, 30th, 1552 – Russian army has made an environment of Kazan ». It was the eighth attack of Russian armies to Kazan from the end of XV century: (1469, 1487, 1506, 1524, 1530,1545, 1550). Battle has been ended on October, 2nd, 1552. In city terrible slaughter as Russian command has disposed to make universal beating of all men has been made. « In it is full имати of wives and children, military избивати all » (Empires. The book, стр.308). The city represented a terrible show: fires flared, houses have been plundered, streets are filled up by corpses, everywhere the rivers of blood. « Beaten in a hailstones толикое set лежаще, яко on all hailstones not бе, where ступати not on dead; for царев a court yard where on flight were betraid, both from walls town and on streets fires (heaps) dead лежаще with walls equally » (Empires, the Book, p. 308-309).
The rough handling of winners with won was those. All man's population of enormous city has been exterminated. From men one has survived only – khan Yadygar. With women have acted(arrived) not less severely: irrespective of age, since juvenile, have been given to drunk marauders – to soldiers of 150-thousand Russian army.
« Monstrous beating inhabitants of the taken Kazan makes one of the heaviest pages of Russian history. Такою колоссальною гекатомбою (senseless deliberate killing of huge quantity(amount) of people) human victims « the crusade » religous troops against citizens of Kazan has ended. This first introduction of Russian state on a way of territorial gains » (M.Khudyakov, « Sketches on history Kazan ханства », стр.151-153, Kazan, fund of thermal power station, 1990год).
After falling Kazan to frighten people of the adjacent states, to break their will to resistance, to facilitate their colonization, Russian command has undertaken the certificate(act) of monstrous vandalism: rafts have been alloyed with mountains of corpses поверженных defenders of Kazan downwards across Volga.
Destiny mari, Chuvash, Mordovian and other radical people of the Volga region were not less tragic. Humiliating violent христианизация, the total most severe russification, added by a colonial robbery, became destiny of these people during centuries, including and the Period of communistic lawlessness.
« Falling Kazan ханства has created conditions for wide colonization of Siberia » (МСЭ, т. VIII, с.457). Invasions of Russian proceeded by centuries up to Alaska – in the east, up to modern borders – in the south and the West Also have begun. On the way Russian armies « fire, a sword and a cross » have swept away the whole states, people, crowning the robberies and unprecedented in history of mankind bloody revelry by a violent christening of people under threat of universal destruction rebellious.
Monstrous crimes of Russian armies were so shaking(amazing,tremendous) and unusual even the then the severe Middle Ages that has compelled(forced) the Pope to address to Russian tsar with the message about inadmissibility for Christians of fulfilment of so inconceivable, severe evil deeds.
But this reference(manipulation) has not changed position...
1556 – « Astrakhan ханство it has easily been won and attached to Russian state » (МСЭ, т.1, с.609).
1557 – the Bashkir tribes shaken(amazed) by tragical destiny of Kazan, "voluntary" have accepted Russian citizenship, and soon, « вкусив charm » this citizenship, have stirred to action with Russian aggressors. The powerful wave of national-liberation <WBR>movement the Bashkir during centuries has become history as « the Bashkir revolts » (БСЭ, т. 111, с.60).
1557 – Udmurtiya is completely attached to Russian empire.
- Adygea is grasped by Russian armies.
1558 – «... Approach of Russian armies has led to rout Siberian ханства » (МСЭ, т. 111, с.455).
1630 – « At 30-40 г.г. XVII centuries penetration of Russian armies into Pribaikalye has begun. Connection of Buryatiya has come to the end in 1630 that has been issued Нерчинским by the contract in 1689 » (БСЭ, т.1У, с.146).
Yakutia is borrowed(occupied) by Russian armies. (БСЭ, т. ЗО.с.49).
1654 – declaration Переяславской of Glad Ukraine about "voluntary" ocurrence in a bosom of Russian state. As a result of the русско-Polish war 1654-1667 г.г. On Андрусскому to an armistice in 1667 left-bank Ukraine and Kiev with adjoining territories are fixed to Russian throne.
1721 – Estonia, and also Видземе, according to(agree) Ништадтскому to the "peace" contract, have joined Russia, and after section of Speech Посполитой to it(her) send(have departed) also the rests of territory of Latvia.
The window to the Europe », cut through has dearly managed to people of Baltic « Peter I as a result more than 20-years aggressive Northern war for the sake of an output(exit) of Russia to the sea. Also this "window" was however plentiful is washed by blood and tears of Balts. It was required more than 200 years for liquidation of tragical consequences of Northern war aggravated subsequently by transaction Риббентропа-Молотова<WBR>.
1731 – in boundless Kazakh steppes there were Russian armies and « voluntary ocurrence » Kazakh people in Russian empire has begun. In 60th years of XVIII century the gain with Russia all grounds of Kazakhs has come to the end.
And in bowels of Russian, orthodox church the monstrous plan of a total violent christening of Kazakhs with the subsequent formation(education) of new region of Russia – Желтороссии was persistently born. And only the beginning of the first imperialistic war has rescueed(saved) Kazakh people from a moral,<WBR> spiritual genocide, has broken realization of this fanatic intention of Russian autocracy.
1742 has fallen under protectorate, and in 1873 was a part of Russia.
1756 – Mountain Altai, « satisfying will of people », has joined Russia.
1771 – was stopped with the existence Kalmyk ханство, « swallowed by the Astrakhan province of Russia ».
1772 – the Belarus grounds send(have departed) to Russia as a result of three sections of Speech Посполитой (БСЭ, т. 111, with. 131).
1774 – Northern Ossetia, Greater(Big) and Small Кабарда are grasped by Russian armies.
1783 – is won Crimea.
- Georgia has appeared under protectorate of Russia.
1793 – left-bank Moldova has departed to Russia on Яссинскому to the contract after section of Speech Посполитой.
1795 – the most part of Lithuania is grasped by Russian armies.
1801 – East and the most part of the Western Georgia Russia (БСЭ, т were a part. ХШ, с.40).
- The gain Russian armies of East Armenia has begun.
- South Ossetia has appeared in authority of Russian throne.
1805 – Karabakh ханство it is attached to Russia.
1810 – Ingushetia is won by Russia.
1812. Year – Bessarabia has departed to Russia under the Bucharest contract.
1813 – during colonial wars of Russia against independent people of Transcaucasia Baku, Гянджинское, Ширванское, Cuban, Тебризское, Dagestan and a number(line) of others ханств send(have departed) to Russia on Гюлистанскому to the contract. The sea of blood and tears, lawlessness and poverty were brought on bayonets with Russian autocracy to people of Transcaucasia. And October revolution of 1917 was marked by sharp strengthening(amplification) of an economic robbery, political and spiritual oppression, mockery above century customs, traditions and religion of Muslim people of the East. Any region of Russian empire did not test on itself so terrible consequences of a colonial policy, as Transcaucasia and Northern Caucasus. Nowadays tragical consequences of mean policy(politics) of Moscow – « Divide(Share) and dominate! » – avalanchely accrue(increase), creating real preconditions for the second Caucasian war.
Where a limit of duplicity, hypocrisy and meanness(low act) of the Russian politicians? With the purpose of suffocation of national-liberation <WBR>movements at non-russian people, provoking bloody interethnic collisions, they one hand distribute the weapon to the contradictory parties(sides), and another is signed with documents on reconciliation under a mask of the intermediary and the peacemaker.
1815 – Lithuania is completely won by Russia.
1828 – Russian armies have artfully attacked the grounds and auls of the Chechen Republic. After severe, unequal, bloody struggle the Chechen Republic in 1859 is completely won by Russia. Proud, freedom-loving Chechen people under a green banner of the legendary leader of imam Shamilya showed persistent, heroic resistance of huge power of Russian empire more than thirty years. Imam Shamil has been captivated, but not broken. It(he) has been banished by Russian autocracy and has died far from the sacred native land. Since then минуло it is a lot of years, but, remembering precepts Шамиля, Чеченистан continues struggle for clearing of a colonial yoke of Russian "federation" of empire.
1863 – Northern Kyrgyzstan was included" into structure of Russia.
1864 – the gain of the Western Georgia has come to the end.
1868 – Bukhara ханство has fallen under protectorate of Russia.
1873 – Khivan ханство it is grasped by Russian armies.
1875 – Кокандское ханство has departed to Russia.
1876 – Southern Kyrgyzstan has reunited with Northern, and at the same time and with Russia.
1878 – Аджария it is won by Russia.
1885 – has completely come to the end capture of Turkestan.
1919 – the Tuva edge(territory) has fallen under protectorate of Russia, and in 30 years the Tuva national republic « under the request of workers » was a part of the USSR.
1940 – After the shameful "Finnish" war untied by Russia ostensibly for the sake of safety of Leningrad, the Finnish city of Vippuri (Vyborg) and a significant part of the Finnish territory send(have departed) to RSFSR; – Parts of Red Army occupy Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia as a result of the shameful transaction with hitlerite Germany. – as a result of arrangement to fascist Germany to the USSR "send(have departed)" the Western Ukraine and the Western Belarus. – next подачка Hitler to the Moscow Kremlin – and Bessarabia with Bukovina "are released"(exempted") by Red Army.
1945 – a part of East Prussia with the city of Kenigsbergom "have entered" into structure of RSFSR. – southern Sakhalin and primordially Japanese grounds – islands of the Kuril ridge – are occupied by Russia.
1979-1989 – Peace, friendly Afghanistan connected with Russia by the friendship treaty and cooperation, has undergone to perfidious aggression of Moscow. As a result of ten years' brutal war with application by Russian command of tactics of " the burnt ground », more than one million citizens of this country has been killed, wounded, many cities, kishlaks have appeared in ruins... The Afghani war – one of позорнейших pages in history of modern Russia.
Here so, as a result of continuous colonial wars-captures of another's territories Russian empire was created. But, nevertheless, the myth about « thousand-year Russia – a rescuer, the peacemaker, mother of people and the nations » has been created. An imperial myth for a deceit of people and concealments more than четырехсотлетней the Russian aggression, enthralment and a robbery of the adjacent states and people.
Also what have received people, порабощенные « thousand-year Russia – a rescuer »? That all non-russian people, including украинцев, Byelorussians, have approached(suited) to dangerous feature of spiritual extinction, losing the native language, national culture, century customs and traditions, having lost the statehood.
Moreover, many non-russian people have been expelled from the primordial grounds, having undergone to deportation that was accompanied by physical destruction of their significant part:
1940 – selective deportation of people of Baltic and the "released(exempted)" areas of the Western Ukraine and the Western Belarus which has repeated in more significant scales in 1945, but already through flours(torments) and circles of a hell инфильтрационных camps of "archipelago GULAG".
1941 – universal deportation of Germans of the Volga region with liquidation of their statehood which is not restored till now.
- The same tragedy has comprehended(overtaken) freedom-loving Kalmyk people.
1942 – has been prepared the document considered(examined) and approved by the Political bureau of Central Committee VKP () about deportation of the Kazan Tatars and liquidation of their statehood in case of falling Сталинграда and movings of front for Volga, on its(her) left coast.
Rout of fascist armies under Сталинградом, huge concentration of a war industry in Татарии, its(her) greater(big) opportunities in supply of Red Army by the foodstuffs, regimentals, an ammunition, technics(technical equipment) have compelled(forced) Moscow to refuse the next genocide.
1944 – universal deportation of Muslim people of Caucasus, accompanied the beatings, the open robbery, executions and burning of the people, tried to avoid deportation. – Total deportation of the Crimean Tatars, including and participants of the Great Domestic war, accompanied charge of whole people in complicity to fascist invaders. As a result of this unprecedented punishment Crimean татары have fallen a victim unprecedented in history of the most severe genocide. About half of deported Tatars were lost from a cold and famine along the line in the echelons made of cars for cattle, tightly locked(closed), without food and water. This brutality has shaken(amazed) the world. Till this moment the statehood of Tatars of Crimea is not restored, it is forbidden to them to live on seacoast, in cities, whence they have been expelled. Them settle on waste, not the suitable grounds for managing steppe region...
In the heat of polemics on an ethnic question, in disputes on inadequacy судеб people of Russia it is quite often possible to hear, that, say, and Russian people too has suffered. Thus usually refer on economic невзгоды, to general reprisals of the thirtieth years, forgetting, that there was a general(common) trouble for all people without exception.
But Russian people never felt constant, humiliating oppression of spiritual discrimination as a result of which at non-russian people their native languages have been absolutely expelled from all levels of public, state office-work, from sphere of economic activities, the international attitudes(relations). As a result of centuries-old discrimination the native language of non-russian people has turned to a кухонно-market slang with immediate prospects of full disappearance.
To representatives of non-russian people access to higher education, to more or less prestigious trades without good possession of Russian has been closed.
The quantity(amount) of national schools has been sharply reduced, and in cities they have been liquidated « under the request of workers-parents <WBR>». Use of national languages in mass media, as in central, and regional has been sharply limited. For non-russian people there were no children's establishments (a day nursery, kindergartens) with service on the native language. Moreover, tutors (usually Russian) persistently demanded these establishments from parents, that those did not talk to the children of the house on the native language to not prevent to seize(take possession) it(him) Russian.
At Muslim people repeatedly, writing violently varied, and eventually it(he) had been imposed cyrillics alien to their phonetics, the language articulation, spoiling, breaking their language to this day. Century customs and traditions were treated as something reactionary, unacceptable for education of generations, and under threat of criminal punishment was forbidden.
The history of non-russian people was regularly deformed(distorted), affirmed, that their true history sights of the moment of their ocurrence in a bosom of Russia. From official tribunes it was solemnly declared, that « the more likely people will start talking all in Russian, the the light future » will be more likely constructed...
Any, slightest display of national consciousness of people without grounds appeared nationalism, a political crime against the state with the subsequent destruction "guilty".
Inconsiderately, at the slightest pretext, and for no reason at all, advantage of non-russian people was ignored, offended, the superiority of all Russian was extolled. Thus reached to the point of irrationality, glorifying « Russian soul », « Russian daring », eulogizing « Russian winter », « Russian birch », « Russian Volga », as though fixing forever on all Russian priority...
It is free or involuntarily, actually at the state level, intolerance to all non-russian was cultivated. The tragical destiny of radical people of the North, Siberia, the Far East rather convincingly testifies to it(this), appeared on the verge of extinction from « fruits of a civilization », brought in their life « the senior brother », from destruction of environment(Wednesday) of their dwelling – ecological aggression as a result « строек centuries », a colonial robbery, from ломки their traditions, customs, from a defective, nonconventional feed(meal), from merciless operation, without due compensation of their work, from illnesses: a tuberculosis, avitaminosises, venereal diseases (before unknown persons in these edges(territories)!), from occupational diseases, from an alcoholism.
And than to explain historical double "bouquet" of the state and household anti-Semitism, it is tenacious built a nest in Russia and become by the reason unprecedented on scales of the Jewish emigration from Russia? Whether there will be it(she) forever in world(global) history, how an indelible shame of Russian nation?
And man-made голодомор and a genocide under the script of the Moscow Kremlin, swept in the thirtieth years across distressful Ukraine, the carried away millions lives hardworking хлеборобов, working intellectuals – nice(famous) daughters and сынов – fighters for freedom of Ukraine?
Whether and it is possible to justify mass executions of elite of Polish people – the officer case, воровски destroyed in Russia?
And than to explain selective resettlement – evacuation of inhabitants of the villages which have suffered in 1957 in the Chelyabinsk area after spontaneous nuclear explosion at enterprise " Beacon "? Then inhabitants of the Tatar and Bashkir villages have been left in the villages without any help, the population of Russian villages has been immediately evacuated, their villages have gone(send) under "bulldozer". In the Tatar and Bashkir villages to this day a radioactive background catastrophically high, much more above, than in regions of the Chernobyl atomic power station. Not casually inhabitants of these villages die, not having met the fortieth anniversary... About it(this) it is sad silent gravestones on cemeteries testify.
Russian people has not gone through monstrous intellectual sterilization of the nation as it was at other people which intelligency methodically and it is purposefully universal(purposefully without exception) was destroyed unsubstantially accused in nationalism.
Russian people never was exposed to horrors of deportation. It(him) did not deprive with the statehood, to it(him) never imposed alien culture, language, religion.
At the same time Russian autocracy hands of Russian orthodox church persistently spent violent христианизацию – a christening of people of other faiths, supplementing it изуверство destruction of their cult constructions, temples, cemeteries, using gravestones as a building material at a construction of churches... Where, it is possible to find similar vandalism in what state of the world? Religious figures of non-russian people were exposed to the most severe reprisals and actually were is universal(without exception) are destroyed... Here it, Christian mercy, amnesty...
After capture Kazan ханства religious figures of Tatar people were exposed to monstrous persecutions, mosques were destroyed. So, under the decree of empress Elizabeth Petrovny from November, 19th, 1742 in Kazan and on province at once it has been destroyed and burnt more than 500 mosques. This evil deed has been accomplished on the second to year of reign of empress and was continuation of policy(politics) of its(her) father, Peter I, concerning non-russian people. It(he) posesses the words told by it(him) in Kazan during preparation for the Persian campaign, that « the grounds was(former) Kazan ханства where still live татары, are a malignant tumour on a body of Russian empire ».
Whether these moods and until now continue to soar, in the corridors of power of the Moscow Kremlin and the White house of Russia?
All aforesaid – is far not the full list of tragical consequences of " friendship of people » in prison-camp labyrinthes of the Russian empire declared(announced) in 1991 by "Commonwealth of Independent States" from an easy(a light) hand of " a slavic triumvirate ».
Ahmet Zakir, Tatarstan

CHECHENPRESS, the Department of letters, 31.10.06г

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