From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/22/2007 10:56 AM Georgia says Russia again violates its airspace Publication time: Today at 17:42 Djokhar time Georgia's Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday a fighter jet flying from Russia violated Georgian airspace for second time this month on Tuesday, when it flew 5 km (3 miles) into Georgian territory.
A Russian defense spokesman immediately denied its plane had flown into Georgian territory on Tuesday.
"A Georgian anti-aircraft defense system tracked ... the violation of the Georgian state border and incursion into Georgian airspace from the Russian Federation," the Georgian Foreign Ministry said in a statement in English on its Web site.
But Russia's Defense Ministry chief spokesman, Vyacheslav Sedov, told Reuters: "On the date mentioned by Georgia the planes of the Russian air force did not fly near to the Georgian border."
Earlier this month an unexploded missile landed near a village in Georgia. Georgia accused Russia of flying into its airspace and dropping the missile, an accusation Russia has also denied.
Relations between Russia and former Soviet Georgia have been strained since a spy row last year.
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