From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/24/2007 2:54 AM 22/08/2007 Balkar Council is fined for its demonstration Nalchik / Agency Caucasus - A group of people who formed the Balkar Council in order to defend the rights of Balkar people in Kabardino-Balkaria is charged with staging a demonstration without being granted official approval to do so.
The government has previously accused the group of being formed by some former bureaucrats in pursuit of their personal interests.
Ismail Sabanchi, Head of the Balkar Council, was fined for organizing members of the council for a public display of both objection in Nalchik against the July 14 modifications to a law on local administrations and support for the protection of constitutional rights of the Balkar people.
Sabanchi was fined in a court ruling an amount equal to his 10 months of salaries minimum for joining a public protest in Abkhazia Square without being granted official approval from the mayor.
Oyus Gurtuyev, Head of the Executive Committee of the Balkar Council, voiced his objection against the court ruling in the following words:
“The Nalchik administration was shown over and over again to the court to have violated the official rules governing approvals for public demonstrations; however, Sabanchi was found guilty in the end. The Council informed the mayor about plans to stage a protest in Abkhazia Square . The mayor was therefore definitely wrong in preventing the demonstration. He could have told us to stage our protest somewhere else if he had not found our decision suitable to stage our protest in Abkhazia Square; however, he did not do this either.” RE/ÖZ/FT
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