*.txtValery Hatazhukov: Adygeya’s integration with Krasnodar territory will cause negative reaction among Adygs 13.4.2006
Recent statement of Adygeya president Khazret Sovmen to the newspaper "Kommersant" that as the reason of his intention to retire was disagreement with Adygeya’s integration with Krasnodar territory (on which the plenipotentiary of the President of Russian Federation in the SFD Dmitry Kozak, as he said, insisted) caused negative reaction of the public of Kabardino-Balkaria.
"We are very much concerned with that such question has been put at all, - Valery Hatazhukov, the head of the republican legal expert center declared in the interview to "Caucasian unit". - Till this moment we’ve thought that certain forces inside of the republic inspired the question of Adygeya’s integration with Krasnodar territory. At various times that idea was stated by the governor of Krasnodar territory Alexander Tkachev. Then he refused it. But that Dmitry Kozak makes the way for the idea, became full unexpectedness for us. The Kremlin should consider that if such connection happened, it could destabilize the situation in all the Adygeyan-speaking republics of Northern Caucasus. It would stimulate activities of different radical nationalist movements that now practically are not present. It is necessary to consider also that 80 percent of Adygs, living in the countries of the Near East, natives of Adygeya which they consider their historical native land and which they attentively watch. That numerous Diaspora possesses significant political influence in the countries of the residing. It has benevolent attitude to Russia, therefore they shouldn’t tear away its position with such decision. Autonomy of a people is a form of its self-determination. It is guaranteed by the Constitution of the country".
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