29/3/2007 Russia would not recognize South Ossetian alternative government
Russia is calling Tbilisi to give up its plans of legitimizing the alternative government in South Ossetia and to take a constructive stand concerning development of the negotiation process on Georgian-Ossetian settlement. This is the topic of the comment made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the Russian Federation (RF) in connection, as the document gives it, "with the propaganda campaign unfolded by Georgia around Sanakoev's puppet government."
"The Russian MFA is alarmed when observing the massed propaganda campaign gaining momentum in Tbilisi around the so-called 'Dmitry Sanakoev's movement'," the comment runs.
"The aim of the campaign is obvious: to create in the eyes of a not-too-much-experienced home or foreign observer a visible respectability for this group of agents, which was generated by Georgian special agencies and planted into one of Georgian enclaves in the territory of South Ossetia," the RF MFA has declared.
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