From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 4/1/2007 4:22 PM Sokhum propose Russian shield in Abkhazia Abkhazian President Sergey Bagapsh proposed to plant anti-aircraft missile system in Abkhazia against 's plan of transferring anti-aircraft missile system and radar system, which was going to be planted in Czech Republic and to Trans-Caucasus.
Bagapsh personally proposed this idea at a press conference in Moscow. Bagapsh's proposal came after the support of American Congress for 's NATO bid.
" showed his will about helping and for their NATO membership. This does not scare us. Abkhaz independence will be recognized as soon as joins to NATO" said Abkhazian leader about Gerorgia's possible adoption to NATO. Bagapsh also stressed that NATO would accept without Abkhazia and South Osetia. He called as a 'hostile country' and claimed that Tbilisi was preparing for war against Abkhazia.
U.S. House of Representatives had voted in favor of a bill about 's and 's bids to enter NATO on 26 March. According to the bill will allocate funds to help these countries in the extent of security support. CY/FT 31/03/2007 - 22:42,15462,sokhum_propose_russian_shield_in_abkhazia.htm
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