From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 3/15/2007 12:57 AM
Ukraine now part of Baltic-Black Sea confrontation arc
14.03.2007, 16.20
MOSCOW, March 14 (Itar-Tass) - The political course by President Viktor Yushchenko "poses the threat of undermining Ukraine's sovereignty and independence," leader of the Communist faction Pyotr Simonenko said in a live broadcast by the Vesti 24 television channel on Wednesday.
"Regrettably, the head of state does not reckon with the opinion of Ukraine's people and the position of Verkhovnaya Rada /parliament/, where the Communists insist on considering a bill on a non-bloc status of Ukraine," Simonenko underlined.
"In effect, due to Yushchenko's policy, Ukraine is now involved in creating the Baltic-Black Sea arc of confrontation, whose purpose is to unite the states - that emerged in the territory of the former USSR - against Russia, divide the Slav space and create a sanitary cordon," he said.
Commenting on Ukraine's being dragged into the issue on the fielding of elements of U.S. missile defense system, the politician noted that "it is a follow-up of the "Cold War" and a threat aimed against Russia."
The leader of the Ukrainian Communists expressed confidence that "the Communists, supported by other progressive forces, will do everything to prevent the deployment of missile defense facilities in the territory of the country," and will stage mass protest actions against such a policy.
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