From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 10/3/2006 4:13 AM
Sochi mayoralty does not recognize "Shapsugs radical small people’s rights"
The inhabitant of aul Big Kichmai of Lazarevsky area of Sochi (Krasnodar territory) Inverbiy Kobzh considers as illegal the position of the local authorities worked out in relation to the representatives of the small people - Shapsugs, the position that, besides, is fixed by the appropriate acts. He declared that to IА correspondent REGNUM on October 1 and gave copies of the documents that, in his opinion, confirmed his statement.
As he said, Shapsugs, representative of which he is, were named by the Uniform list of the radical small peoples of Russian Federation as an indigenous small people living in the territory of Krasnodar Territory. That list was authorized by the decision of the Government of Russian Federation from March 24, 2000. However till this day neither he, nor his other compatriot can use the rights and privileges the document fixed.
In May this year he addressed with the question to the Sochi mayor Victor Kolodiazhniy. The letter basically concerned the ground tax Kobzh had to pay, whereas being a representative of the radical small people he should not pay it. The acting first assistant to the mayor Constantine Mischenko answered the letter.
In his reply he wrote: "In realization of the tax relations it is legislatively fixed that separate groups of the natural persons representing small radical peoples, have the right to not pay the ground tax - natural persons – representatives of the peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of Russian Federation, as well as communities of these peoples - concerning the land areas used for preservation of their traditional ways of life, managing and crafts (item 7 of clause 395 of the Tax code of Russian Federation)".
"In other words, the Tax code of Russian Federation, contradicting the Constitution of Russian Federation, the Federal law "About guarantees of rights of the radical small peoples of Russian Federation" and above-mentioned governmental List, does not include in the privilege list the radical small people of Krasnodar Territory - Shapsugs,” - noted Kobzh.
But Sochi legislators went even farther away from that: "The norm is fixed in the subitem 14 of item 1 of clause 7 of the decision of the Sochi Town assembly from 11. 21. 2005 # 348 "About fixation of the ground tax in the territory of municipal formation town - resort of Sochi", in this connection there are no bases for submitting for Sochi Town assembly bills about fixation of the rights and the lawful interests of the radical small peoples on releasing from payment under the ground tax", - wrote down Mischenko to his applicant.
That is, explained Kobzh, formally it turns out that the radical small peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East have the right on privileges in the territory of Sochi, and the radical small people - Shapsugs, living on their historical land and attributed by the List to Krasnodar territory – do not have any. And it cannot demand restoration of the rights, because the lawful interests of the radical small peoples are already observed by appropriate acts.
IА REGNUM correspondent’s question what he was going to do further, Kobzh answered that the problem worries not only him – and very many Shapsugs. But the majority of them, colliding with such awkward incidents, gave up. He and some of his fellows are not going to stop halfway. For that purpose they consult to the lawyers, acquaint public organizations with the situation to find among them supporters. The group of the enthusiasts continues to undertake next steps; documents about such steps Kobzh promised to give in the nearest future.