Over 50 People Killed In Russian Army In January — Ministry
posted by FerrasB on February, 2006 as Imperialism
Over 50 People Killed in Russian Army in January — Ministry
Created: 13.02.2006 19:21 MSK (GMT +3)
53 Russian servicemen were killed in January because of various crimes, Russia’s defense ministry said in a statement on Monday.
829 crimes and incidents were registered officially in the Russian Armed Forces in January.
19 servicemen were killed in accidents, 14 committed suicide, the statement said. Two persons died due to carelessness.
11 other troops were killed in road accidents, seven in crimes committed by civilians, the statement said.
On Monday, a servicemen of a construction battalion died in a hospital after beating heavily beaten as it had been reported earlier. According to the evidence taken from witnesses, Nursulla Dautov was beaten by officers on February 7 or 8, various Russian media reported. He was taken to hospital and underwent trepanation of the skull.
A recent incident that left soldier Andrei Sychev severely disabled after his legs had to be amputated became widely known in the end of January caused a wave of indignation in the Russian society. According to official reports, Sychev became a victim of hazing. Russia’s chief military prosecutor said last week about 6,000 people became victims of hazing in the Russian army last year. http://www.mosnews.com/news/2006/02/13/armycrimes.shtml
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