Interfax: Russia Demands Georgia Explain Arrests Of Three Officers
posted by FerrasB on February, 2006 as Imperialism
Feb 12 2006 11:51AM Russia demands Georgia explain arrests of three officers
MOSCOW. Feb 12 (Interfax) - The Russian Defense Ministry is demanding an official explanation from Georgia concerning the arrest of three Russian officers in the village of Kurt on February 8, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Vyacheslav Sedov told Interfax on Saturday.
Russia is also demanding that the Russian officers' identification cards, seized by Georgian authorities, be returned and that official apologies be issued.
The Russian Defense ministry qualifies the arrest of the three Russian officers as "moves that do not facilitate stabilization in the Tskhinvali district."
"This provocation by Georgia, shows that Tbilisi's approach to problems is uncivilized," Sedov said.
The Georgian authorities illegally seized the Russian officers' identification cards and all other documents, he said.
The Russian officers left Georgia without any documents, having only copies of their identification cards, he said. sd la
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