A.Zakaev: "Fighters of the Caucasian front have crushed in Nalchik lawful military targets"
In connection with yesterday's statement of Minister for Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation Lavrov, concerning my estimations of events in Nalchik, want to declare the following.
The fact is, that the action of fighters of the Caucasian front in Nalchik is legitimate military operation within the network of the confrontation. Legal aspects of this action should be examined in a context of the Geneva conventions, and the antiterrorist rhetoric of Mr. Lavrov here, softly speaking, is inappropriate.
In connection with the appeal of minister Lavrov to the Government and justice of the Great Britain, want to remind him the decision of the British judge in the case "Russian federation against Ahmed Zakaev" of November, 13, 2003 in which it is told: "Events in the Chechen Republic... In legal relation represent an internal confrontation concerning which it is possible to apply the Geneva conventions. According to the Geneva conventions, destruction of the enemy durring the war is not a crime".
There is no necessity to prove, that the power structures attacked in Nalchik by the fighters of the Caucasian front, are military objects and the legitimate military targets. This is a legal aspect of my application. As to its moral aspect to which minister Lavrov refers, these Russian power structures (the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB and МD) durring more than 10 years are engaged in massacre, kidnappings, capture of hostages, tortures and arbitrary executions of peaceful inhabitants not only in the Chechen Republic, but also in all North Caucasian republics. And, repressions and retaliatory actions are carried out out by them especially by national and religious attributes. And what has taken place in Nalchik, is quite adequate answer of Caucasian fighters to this chastisers who have lost the human moral.
Want to remind all interested sides, that the Chechen management repeatedly called the Kremlin that become the hostage of its own propagation and antinational policy on Caucasus, for peace settlement of the Russian - Chechen conflict. However the Kremlin, persistently ignoring all peace initiatives of the Chechen side, and not wishing to stop long-term bloodshed, perfidiously murdered the lawfully elected president pf CHRI Aslan Maskhadov. And consequently the responsibility for expansion of war on all Caucasian region and destruction of the peaceful population entirely lays on the management of Russia. And events in Nalchik brightly show, that the Kremlin actually does not any more control the situation on Caucasus.
Meanwhile, in its actions the Chechen Government and Armed forces submitting to it, realizing the historical responsibility for the future of Caucasus and being guided by universal moral values, observe and will observe steadily all international conventions on rules of conducting war. We repeatedly declared and we declare now, that resolutely we condemn acts of terror against civilians and are ready to cooperate in any objective international trial.
Ahmed Zakaev, vice-premier of the Government of CHRI.
CHECHENPRESS, the Department of the official information, 18.10.05