October, 6, 2005
Klin is knocked out not with papers
The parliament of Georgia has voted for a withdrawal of peace-making forces of the CIS from Abkhazia . The president of Georgia has declared, that will support deputies if they will make the decision with the requirement of a withdrawal of armies. In turn, the president of Russia Putin, has noted: "If the Georgian management takes the responsibility before the international community and own people, it is their choice, we shall remove ours peacemakers.
Small specification - the above-stated events and an exchange of statements occured in autumn of 2001. Since then much that has taken place in Georgia and in Russia. Structure of parliament and the president in Georgia have already changed. Putin was fixed on the second presidential term and already begins to behave affectedly at a mention of the third. Constant remains the tradition of loud applications and ultimatums of the Georgian politicians concerning Russian "peacemakers", carrying out on territory of Georgia of function of an occupational military contingent. Has changed only the reaction of the Russian side to ultimatums of Georgia .
Characteristic wrangle on an old theme about peacemakers has taken place the last week. This time the requirement to Russia was not so rigid as 5 years ago. Georgia in the next ultimatum has given to peace-making forces four-monthly term of their stay in Tshinvaly region and nine months for a presence in Abkhazia, having called invaders to begin in the specified terms performance of the direct duties of peacemakers, otherwise the question of their removal from territory of Georgia will be put again.
As against 2001, Putin of a sample of 2005, with double "VVP", did not waste time on legal and politically correct comments to the Georgian ultimatum, and has charged to make the comment to Minister of Defence Sergey Ivanov. Philologist - security officer Ivanov, got used to a role of an "old soldier" so, that in politics makes comments on any phenomenon on language of the tipsy company sergeant-major, this time has done without national sayings, but has clearly let know to Georgia, that on her in this question already nothing depends:
"To or to not be to the Russian armies, solve two sides - Abkhazia and South Ossetia. For any decision on a question the consent of two sides is necessary. When it will come, I am ready to speak about it detailed.
What expected the Georgian side when has put the requirements and established terms for their realization? That the Russian side will agree, and peace-making armies will begin to return refugees in the houses and to protect them? Will begin deportation from a zone of the conflict of the armed foreign citizens? Or will stop penetration of foreigners and the weapons into these regions from the adjacent state?
The Russian peacemakers constantly also are engaged in all these questions, only make all on the contrary. As well as "peacemakers", Moscow chiefs, actually are engaged in non-admission of returning of the refugees; with supply of the weapons and foreign passports to local population. That is, so-called peacemakers make the actions which are included in such concept, as annexation of territory.
Having occupied a part of territory of Georgia, Russia has imposed accommodation of the armies on an occupied territory. Also has added occupation by that has humiliated Georgia, - the defeated side, - having forced her to name the Russian armies "the peacemakers". The Georgian side as if having believed in a tale about peacemakers, from year to year continues to accompany in this performance to Russians.
This time the Georgian side has given Russians 9 months of term. Term sufficient for birth of a child, however in history of mankind is unknown precedent that invaders have regenerated in peacemakers and began to operate in interests of people expelled by them. While the actions of some Georgian politicians concerning actual occupation of a part of the territory as if are directed on systematic and stage by stage "lowering" of the own country. Impudent rudeness of Russian minister Ivanov is the diagnosis to the Georgian policy.
Mansur Mazaev, Chechenpress, 06.10.05