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Alexander Litvinenko/Chechenpress: The Answer To Second-Year Student Or ...

posted by FerrasB on September, 2005 as Imperialism

October,3, 2005

The answer to second-year student or what is the Russian authority afraid of

At the end of the last week in the weekly newspaper "south federal" was buplished the semi-anonimous article addressed to plenipotentiary of UFO Dmitry Kozak. Student of Rostov state university, certain Ekaterina Bagrich (whom nobody from journalists till now is capable to find), in the open letter to plenipotentiary of the president concludes utterly professional analysis of the political and social situation which have been usual in southern regions of the country, and asks him ten questions.

The whole Russian press discussing the published letter, without going into the heart of the matter of stated, guesses only above one question: who is she, this mysterious second-year student and why is this so rigid enough letter addressed to plenipotentiary of the president of the Russian Federation, nevertheless was published in the newspaper?

The one thing is clear: there are a few people who believe that this letter might be written by the second-year student and that it for no particular reason was published in the important regional newspaper. In the country which has been completely governed by checkists for six years, without their highest permission nothing is done for no particular reason, especially what refers to the big policy. But, nevertheless, the article was published and instantly untwisted in the Russian MASS-MEDIA, and it so happened that nobody saw the author of the scandalous publication along that day. What is it - is it an autumn aggravation of under carpet struggle among inhabitants of the Kremlin, or next active action of Liubianka against Kozak, becoming objectionable powerful strong men?

Thus at once I want to stipulate, that I am not going to puzzle myself with reflections concerning the next criminal disassembly in the Kremlin and to go deeply into all squabbles reigning in the Russian top. That is why they are spiders in a bank in order to nag constantly at each other. But, nevertheless, questions are asked, asked publicly, and, apparently, the interested public never has received the distinct answer from the authorities, and hardly they will receive. Therefore I offer the answers to mysterious second-year student, and at the same time to the readers of "Chechenpress" especially the speech in the letter refers also to us with you.

Alexander Litvinenko.

Ekaterina Bagrich's ten theses

1. The assignment of Dmitry Nikolaevich Kozak for a post of the plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in UFO the most part of local population connected it to hopes for changes to the best. The strong-willed, resolute and incorruptible reformer, colleague of V.V.Putin - thus was he represented in many districts. People in region hoped, that, at last, they would here earn the enterprises, be done with unemployment, corruption, official an arbitrariness and interethnic conflicts. However any kind of that did not happen.

The explanation: Dear Ekaterina, you, unfortunately, know the criminal history of the president of Russia Putin and his colleagues very badly . And here again I am obliged to remind  you, that Putin whom you in the letter name as the incorruptible and resolute reformer, is wallowed in bribery and larceny. I'll give to you only a few examples from Putin's criminal history.

The president of Russia Putin, has received from Roman Abramovich, as a bribe, a yacht, which costs about 50 million American dollars. In one of the Swiss banks on Putin's personal account there is a sum of several billions of US dollars (the bank account was opened after Putin occupied the post of the president of Russia). Except for it, Putin was involved in criminal cases: about smuggling strategic materials and plunder of the facilities received from these dealings, on the facts of washing up of the money resources received from illegal realization of drugs and criminal communication with the Colombian drug mafia.

During the election campaign of the president of Russia, the candidate for this post Putin has received from the representative of the foreign state the sum of about 50 million US dollars which he illegally used during elections. I do not say more about, that Putin is one of the organizers of explosions of apartment houses in the Russian cities in September, 1999, the beginnings of aggression against sovereign CHRI and a genocide of Chechen people. And it only a small part of criminal cases, commited by the person who occupies the post of the president of Russia and whom you call: "Volitional, the resolute and incorruptible reformer!?".

As for the colleague of Putin, mister Kozak, to whom you directly address in your letter, this person has behind himself a dirty criminal loop of tight cooperation with so-called "Tambovsk" OPG into which Kozak directly entered and with which leaders he is supporting the business and friendly contacts at present time. For the information I inform, that "Tambovsk" OPG is the international criminal grouping, one of the most dangerous criminal groupings, working in the territory of Russia on which account is a huge quantity of extra-terrible crimes, including acts of terrorism, murders, kidnappings of citizens, drug business, extortion etc. and so on. So, I am compelled to disappoint you, dear Ekaterina, that hopes of your fellow countrymen which you have pinned to these people from the supreme authority of Russia, can not be justified under any circumstances. Because, except for how to kill and plunder, the given subjects are not suitable for anything else.

2. UFO, certainly, - is not simple region, and for one year here is difficult to change something. But, at least, to suspend separate negative processes, I think, it would be possible. Because for this purpose there are all conditions. So, republics, territories and areas of UFO are located in a favorable natural-climatic zone. About 80 percents of the grounds of district are suitable for agricultural cultivation, while the mid russian parameter is less than (!six times ) below. UFO is situated on crossing of the important railway, sea, air and pipeline ways. The network of highways is developed at us three times better, than on the average in Russia. There are large stocks of petroleum and other minerals.

Luga, mountain pastures, own "azure" coast, large industrial centres - seems, UFO does not concede to Europe in all. However economic parameters of district are much lower than European and even mid russian. And republics of Northern Caucasus, as a rule, in general are subsidiary. Here the highest in the country a rate of unemployment. But, that the most surprising, for example, is that in Dagestan is the biggest volume of operations on exchange in the country. In construction of expensive individual habitation leads the Chechen Republic (and it is because, that in the Chechen Republic any industrial enterprise does not work).

As for democracy as such on Northern Caucasus to speak seriously yet is not possible. Private property institutions basically work on heads of administrations and their persons in attendance. Frequently there is no freedom of speech, legal opposition. Heterodoxy and mis-activity are pursued. In parliaments and law enforcement bodies  officials have thier people. In republics there are latent clan wars.

The explanation: Ekaterina, you ask very good question: why, having everything, we are beggars, while the countries of Europe grow rich from year to year? Thus, at the end of your question you, without noticing, give also the answer to the question asked by you, recollecting about democracy which today is not present even in mention, and not only in Northern Caucasus, but also in the whole Russia. Exactly the absence of democracy is the main reason of that we are beggars, at that time it is real, if to estimate natural and manpower resources, we are richer than the Europe.

I want to explain you, dear Ekaterina, that democracy - first of all, is FREEDOM. And the freedom - is the most dear, what is on this ground. I'll give you an example. One of the most free countries in Europe is considered to be the Great Britain. For this reason in this country people of all nationalities and creeds feel like more freely and more cosy, than in the same France or Germany. In this connection the ground, the real estate, national currency - literally everything, that is present in the Great Britain, costs much more expensive, than in other advanced European countries. Englishmen understand it, and they rigidly supervise the authority. It is not necessary to explain to the ordinary Britisher, that if today their prime minister declares publicly: "piss black in toilet" tomorrow the purse of each citizen of the Great Britain will fall in price in several times, and the money here are able to be counted.

And while in Russia there is no present freedom, all we will be poor and everything about what you write and with pride enumerate: "Luga, mountain pastures, own "azure" coast, large industrial centers" - all this will cost copecks: you see only in the free country all this has the value. It is necessary to understand, that while in the Kremlin the checkist junta is sitting and governs the country as yard gangs, all of us, including our children, will be beggars as beggars were our grandfathers and fathers, living all life at communists.

3. About any federal policy of Russia in Northern Caucasus, strategy as such also to speak is difficult. And as it is not present strategy - may not be also success. Reforms are carried out chaotically. It would not be desirable you, Dmitry Nikolaevich to offend, but negative processes in economy, policy, public life of UFO are connected by many analytics that you as plenipotentiary and your command have no clear, balanced, precisely formulated strategic plan of reforms. And in my opinion, forecasting of a situation in UFO at you - is at a level of guessing. Yet it is possible to guess, but what will be, if you don't guess?

The explanation: Dear Ekaterina, here I do not want to repeat, but those who today govern Russia, these are people not clever. Putin and his environment - are people who  do not have any fundamental education. Putin has occupied the post of the president of Russia not in rigid political strike, but due to the communications with oligarches from Yeltsin's close environment, that is not deservedly. Putin never was the politician and never becomes, because he completely does not have political convictions without which in politics it is impossible. In what he is engaged in politics, is one continuous special action of special services.

Only real politicians, strong and independent, having political convictions and not varying it from tactical reasons, are in condition to understand the political and social processes occurbing in a society to influence them and to have strategy of development of the country for many years forward. The same who today are sitting in the Kremlin, they are thimblers and somethings ephemeral, so, to wait from them for the balanced and competent actions and at least any long-term strategic program of development of region is more than unsophisticated.

4. The population of the Caucasian republics is tired of interethnic conflicts, corruption and official arbitrariness, unemployment and poverty. In all troubles people blame heads of administrations who on the some terms occupy "warm places" and do not hasten to abandon them. They, their clans or teips, having seized power on places, control justice, appropriate to themselves everything, that is possible to appropriate - not caring about people. In connection with assignment of the President for new term all the same heads, last hopes for changes to the best disappear from people's minds.

The explanation: the authority in North Caucasian republics during Putin has turned into Moscow puppets and into frank traitors of people. Indulging and helping security officers to destroy thier own peoples, they understand, that their authority is possible to be existent only at a situation existing today and at war which they use for their own profit. Only traitors, frank vermins and murderers such as Kadirov and Alkhanov, agree to serve Putin. The decent people, capable of caring about their people and its well-being, those who are in a condition to change a situation to the best, never take service to checkists.

Understanding it, Putin has cancelled elections of heads of regions. Now he directly from the Kremlin may assign in the heads of Republics of his puppets, ready to make for him anything he likes, in exchange for that they are allowed unpunishedly to plunder the peoples of Northern Caucasus. Only national and fair elections may help to get rid from clannish situation, interethnic conflicts, corruption and official arbitrariness, unemployment and poverty. And again we come back to democracy, freedom, a civil society. That in itself it is not compatible to authority of KGB which exists in putin's Russia. It is no doubt that on Putin's and his checkist environments leave the war in Northern Caucasus will be stopped. Putin has come with war , and the war will go with him.

5. The brain and age potential of your, Dmitry Nikolaevich,  apparatus - is plenipotentiary as count many, represents the numbed, become bureaucratic command with stereotyped thinking of officials to which nothing is necessary but which are able to create visibility of vigorous work, scribbling the iridescent reports far from a reality. There is an impression, that young, vigorous, non-standardly conceiving people in your environment practically are not present. Or behind backs burnt "aged" they simply are not visible?

The explanation: As they say, like teacher , like pupil. Explaining the first point, I have in brief described, what from itself mister Kozak represents. Well, whence the petersburg gangster will have in an environment decent and thinking people?

6. It is not the secret, that now the Government of the country prepares for the project of free economic zones in Russia. I can assume, that because of fear of the centre of separatism, to the Caucasian republics free economic zones "will have no chance". And may be, in them - is one of the outcomes from an economic crisis in the south of the Russian Federation?

The explanation: Here dear Ekaterina, you contradict yourself. If in your region dominates clannish situation, interethnic conflicts, corruption and official arbitrariness, unemployment and poverty in the absence of reliable public control over bureaucracy free economic zones very quickly will turn in black economic holes, that in turn will result in burst of criminality and amplification of all those negative processes which, from your words, I have listed above.

7. Administrative reform which sources you had, Dmitry Nikolaevich, neither in Russia as a whole, nor in UFO in particular yet did not "take off" In my opinion, it was reduced to "lugging of rope" of administrative powers. Alas, but as far as I know, any conflict on questions of principle of an economic and social policy did not become a subject of public investigation, a transparency in a policy was not added.

Agencies again appeared offices of opaque distribution of budgetary funds and individual regulation of activity of official bodies, the unitary enterprises and corporations with the state participation. They have turned in uncontrolled "younger ministry" which on the basis of oral orders and informal arrangements with higher bodies rely on years the usual administrative practice.

It can be concluded that, from what they have left, to that they came?

The explanation: Completely right - from what they have left, to that they came? All again rests against freedom and democracy at which the authority of KGB is impossible. And at authority of KGB are impossible neither economic reforms, nor public investigations, a transparency in a politics! By all means it is necessary to throw out checkists from the Kremlin, only changes for the best, including in economy in this case are possible.

7. Today the country tries to make "completion", updating, adaptation of administrative reform to again revealed circumstances, allocates the supreme officials of subjects of the Russian Federation with powers on the organization of interaction and coordination of activity of enforcement authorities of the appropriate subject and territorial bodies of the executive federal authority. For all history our state not once tried to reform enforcement authorities (governorships) and institutions of local government (zemstvoes), allocating with their certain powers. At us even a certain historical habit to see in local authorities panacea from total state absolute power was developed. Thus, I believe, important points on which the success of any reform depends are not taken into account at all: Whether there are economic and social conditions (it is especial on Northern Caucasus), whether there corresponds reform to positions of the present Constitution of the country, whether it is supported financially, whether there is a unity of sights and the consent of the centre and subjects, whether reform answers interests of population_

The explanatory: The matter is that Russia never was the free country. And the proof to that is absence of realization of fair and democratic elections for all thousand-year history of the Russian state. Never for one thousand years in Russia and there were no fair national elections of the head of the state. The authority in Russia always passed from hands in hands by plot. And while the political situation in Russia will not change, never any economic reforms in Russia will pass, at all it does not worth even to dream of them.

For example, in the Chechen Republic which only three years has had the luck to have independence, between two wars it was possible to carry out fair democratic elections of the president of the country. Iandarbaev without any plots and mutinies has transferred authority in Republic won during elections Maskhadov, and it at that the country was completely destroyed and surrounded with the Russian armies. It became possible only therefore Chechens - people free, therefore they even in short breaks between the next reprisals were able to live the richman Russian. While Russian people will not rise from knees. While it will be in position of slaves, it never begins to live richly.

9. The economic condition of subjects UFO directly is connected to effective and rational use of natural resources. But the potential of natural resources of district is used inefficiently, poorly. Investigation and extraction of hydrocarbonic raw material - is the lowest on the country. Wood resources, recreational potential of the Black Sea coast are not to the full used. Ecosystem of the South of Russia is in depressing position. The hydrosystem continues to become soiled, quality of water is worsened.

Absence of any spent ecological policy in UFO, long functioning of ecologically dirty manufactures in the industry and an agriculture, and also not enough the cleared economically-household sewage and receipt of polluting substances with drainage territories have resulted dump in universal pollution of superficial water objects UFO and represent danger of pollution of underground waters (the Rostov area, the Stavropol and Krasnodar territories, the Chechen and Ingush republics.)

Multifactorial anthropogenous influence on water objects, and also change of their hydrological mode may result to that already in the near future we shall lose an opportunity to have a rest at the seas and other reservoirs, and many kinds of animals, birds and fishes will stay only in "The Red Book".

The explanatory: While natural resources and the ground will be in a state ownership, it is possible even to not dream of their effective use. Only the proprietor competently and effectively may dispose of the property and protect it, including natural resources. That putin's authority makes in Russia with the proprietor, I think to explain it is not necessary. History of Khodorkovski and business "IUKOS" the best to a volume an example.  

10. The in a word, policy spent by the centre, reforms on Northern Caucasus come into historical, political, ideological and psychological impasse...

The explanation: Putin's policy, and not only in the south, but also on all Russia, has gone to impasse and destroys the country. If Putin and his KGBers in fastest time to not expel from the Kremlin and to not stop war on Northern Caucasus very soon the country under the name of the Russian Federation the existence will stop! Sad experience of the USSR is to that the bright example.


Ekaterina Bagrich writes: "Certainly, I am - not analyst and the more - not politician, I am only studying. May be, my theses and questions which I want hardly to ask plenipotentiary below, will seem to someone naive. But I am sure: many simple people think the same as I, they are excited with the same questions, and they want to receive on them answers, as they say, firsthand.

I think, that discussion on problems of Northern Caucasus should conduct in a society openly, sharp questions - to not be ignored because of political conjecture, that "say the West", and also because of inability and frankly and is argued to answer fear of some politicians and officials them.

And now

Ten questions to plenipotentiary":

- Dmitry Nikolaevich, a ratio of expenses and results of your work in UFO - for the benefit of victories or defeats?

The answer: DEFEAT, but the main defeat and full breakdown, including huge probability to finish the career on a dock both at Kozak, and at his colleagues on putin's command, any more behind mountains.

- Can you or someone from your subordinates today precisely and clear formulate the strategy of a carried out policy and reforms in Northern Caucasus and also to enter discussion with MASS-MEDIA?

The answer: clearly may not Kozak formulate anything if he could formulate, he could have already formulated long ago. Only the one who clearly thinks, is in a condition to  state ideas clearly. If only Koxak could understood at least something in a policy he never appeared in one command with Putin.

- What, in your opinion, is an optimum combination of authoritative and democratic methods of a authority in conditions of a present situation in the south of Russia?

The answer: In the south of Russia today there is a war and a genocide of the whole people. War and democracy - are things not compatible.

- Under what conditions it would be possible to achieve the guaranteed peace, stability and prosperity in the Northern Caucasus?

The answer: Only after the change of a political authority of Russia and the termination of war in Severo-Caucasus republics.

- Whether your way Is allowable to appoint to the supreme managing posts in regions of persons of which are not accepted with the most part of the population? Whether such morals is compatible to the policy seriously asserting national interests of the country?

The answer: To the supreme managing posts in regions in general anybody to appoint it is not necessary. According to the constitution working in Russia, inhabitants of region should select direct ballot heads of regions. And that Putin, using tragedy in Beslan and in infringement of the constitution, has cancelled elections of chapters of regions, than tries to strengthen the personal authority so it - anticonstitutional and destroys the country. That we also notice, and not only in your region.

- Whether it is possible to win over clannish situation, corruption, modern bureaucracy of Russia?

The answer: Clannish situation and corruption it is possible to win over, only having taken under rigid public control all bureaucratic bodies in the state, including Office of Public Prosecutor, courts, special services and the president of the country. But for this purpose in the country there should be a democracy which consequence freedom and presence of a civil society becomes. Only the civil society is capable to protect itself from an arbitrariness of authorities and while it will not be, the bureaucratic machine uncontrolledly to break will be right citizens and to destroy the state from which it and is fed.  

- As far as in Northern Caucasus Russia is close to civil war of which do not cease to frighten us some western analytics?

The answer: Civil war on Northern Caucasus already for a long time goes, human life here is possible, people live in fear, the region was overflowed with massacre, criminal disassemblies, kidnappings. I any more do not speak that actually have wiped out the whole Chechen republic. In legality and validity the most naive trust only, today rights the one who is stronger and at whom it is more right. And all this occurs on fault of authorities which kindle interethnic hatred and encourage violence. Western analytics, on the contrary, try to not notice it. They, as well as five years back, repeat about iooeineie stability, receiving instead of it from Russia cheap petroleum and gas.

- How do you see UFO in the nearest decade?

The answer: If Putin and his company some more years will govern the country in ten years of such country as the Russian Federation on a map of the world any more will not be. what will happen to the Rostov area it is very difficult to say.

- Is not it insulting, what descendants in the future may and not recollect you, while Anatoly Borisovich Chubajs has already become history as the reformer?

The answer: that descendants never will forget Putin, Kozak and the company, in it is possible to not doubt. Hitler, Gebbels, Gering, Gimler and Borman you see remember even to this day. And these also will remember long. And Chubais as it seems to me, will not recollect years through twenty.

- Do not you regret, that have agreed to become plenipotentiary in such complex and difficult district where under the certain circumstances disgracefully is possible not only to finish the career but also to lose kind reputation?

The answer: As they say, it is late to drink borjomi when kidneys have fallen off. Kosak there is one of the military criminals which are included in a political top of the Russian Federation. To him, as well as all putin's an environment, in the near future it is necessary to be responsible for the crimes against humanity accomplished by them.

Commented and answered Alexander Litvinenko, London, for Chechenpress, 28.09.05y.

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