September, 22, 2005
Russia is sick of the heavy form of madness
Russian empire has already gone through itself. Its existence is not more necessary for anybody - neither to people occupied by it, nor to its own people - and, moreover, it represents fatal threat for mankind.
The planned murder of Chechen people is only the first part, the most appreciable and visible fact in a circuit of uncountable crimes of Russian empire. Genocide exposed not only peoples of Caucasus, but also the Baltics, and Ukrain, the bear paw of this bloos-suker predator covered all Central Asia and Kazakhstan recently... Today on one end of their decayed empire they kill Chechens, on the other - do not surrend to civilized mankind of Kenigsberg,, the historical city, which was once deprived from German and transformed it in typical soviet non staff cesspit by them; and on the third - have seized by teeth and claws in impudent deprived from Japanese as a result of perfidious aggression of Kurili in1945.
Russian sometimes seems mad people, generating<<by there image and similarity >> the same mad - and same criminal! - Government at each election of each 4 years. As you see they have reached that Tatars are legislatively prohibited to translate their tatar language on latin! Forbid God, that such a Antirussian sedition has not filtered, or, help God, an idea of independence from Moscow in general. It is a panic, it is already the death sentence of the empire which have reached similar marasm...
They are puffed up in the world scale, knock on tribunes of the United Nations by the boots, demonstratively scold with the PASS, defame on what light stands, spittle Catholic church. It is impudent (contrary to all international rules and rights) to annul visas to the western journalists and do not let in the country foreign priests - from Catholic to Budistics, which were living here many years. And in their own country for a long time the CPSU has strongly occupied a place of ideological department CK RPC - the totalitarian sect created by Stalin in 1943 under a kind ostensibly renascence of orthodoxy and being factually branch of KGB all Soviet years.
Russia importunately orders, interferes and teaches all world how to live. It is enough to listen Putin's recent statements concerning democracy and you will understand with whom the world deals.
To this day having succeeded only in connection with construction RULAG and their mad, monstrous punishments of own people, this country (and now it is even more, than earlier) amuses the mission complexes , image itself of third Rom, the unique fair civilization, called to teach West and all other world how to live. With persistence of a pug Russia yelps from a gate on everyone in whom instinctively feels the spiritual superiority over self.
Yesterday in a course were stories about <<machination of the world Bourgeoisie >> and << imperialistic environment>>, today - about international terrorism, but the essence from it does not change. Russia still remains a source and an embodiment of world evil, the country where nobody has taken the responsibility for the last monstrous crimes, for a genocide of whole peoples, for tens millions shooted, tortured, emaciated by famine and where nowadays, on this base, new crimes are piled up.
The idea, that it is necessary to lead denazification on a sample of denazification of German after 1945, in Russia was popular in the beginning of 90th years. At the end of 90s it became clear, that it will not help. As the country as the civilization as the subject of historical process Russia is absolutely irrational, inadequate, does not correspond to the most elementary concepts about reason and logic, may not give people even the minimum of elementary rights to them for elementary to live, which are itself understanding for the West. Not without reason, people has combined lines of known chauvinistic verses as a parody: << with mind not to understand Russia, it is not compatible in mind>>.
Russia is that refers to mistake of nature. Still recently in this country all named elections quiet and everyday, when there was only 1 candidate at the bulletin, and so it was necessary to elect him, -nobody more. However, people didn’t confuse and went on such election, participated in them not noticing full absurdity of a situation, moreover they considered it as a holiday. And today Russia has decided to return in all beauty to the old chauvinistic thesis: <<who is not orthodox that is not Russian>> therefore to be consecrated by church there was everything, but first of all - << orthodox army>>, sent to kill Chechens. Both its shells and bombs intended for killing these Chechens. However thus natural attempt of civilized Lithuanians to protect the independence and not to let in russian Bank only with one wolf (that is the militarian) the ticket instead of the passport - causes in them a hysterics, convulsive knocking by legs and terrible knocking by fists on a table. As it so - them -THEM! - <<to Grand Russia>>, - have dared not to comply! And who? Any Lithuanians which fathers they 50 more years back so valiantly and victoriously sent the whole echelons from the native land in GULAG...
And wars? Only with whom Russia was not at war, only who did not go in enemy of our <<Saint Russians>>!, Turkeys, Frenchs, Germans, Finns, Ukrains, Lithuanians, Afghans, Circassians, Hungarians, Swedes, Americans, Georgians, Chechens, Jews, Poles, Estonians, CHekhs... Is it possible that seriously man believe what all these peoples were <<Bads>> as one, and only one Russia all in white?
... Russia is hardly sick. But its illnesses is not economic as that is repeated persistently to us from different directions by deputies, economists, politologists, observers and by other. And not illnesses of growth as assure some of them. Russia is sick of the heavy form of madness, a delirium tremens of great-power imperial chauvinism, an inflammation of aggressive imperialism and revanchism concerning the colonies separated in 1991, megalomania and mania of prosecution and simultaneously in the sharp form. The state constructed on bones of whole peoples, keeping on the bayonets, consisted of illegally seized neighbour countries and the areas, impregnated by the blood of many innocently killed generations, themself's and another's. It may not prosper, may not be normal, as the civilized states constructed by normal way.
But Russia is a special case. It is Empire of Evil,as has told there is no time of Reigan, the center of dark forces, a source of the most unimaginable obscurantism, it is only possible for itself to present in XXI century. Experience of Gitler on destruction of Jews, Stalin's experience on destruction ukrains, Chechens and Russian peasants, shooter Peter's experience of suicide - here was useful everything, all <<constructively sensible>> and is puted in business, it is necessary in the base of << new russian statehood>>. It is no wonder, that such statehood obviously, is beforehand doomed...
Yes, Russia is doomed and nothing in it's forces to rescue. The seal of a damnation lays on it - from times of mass executions of Ivan Terribl initially. It should break up to pieces and disappear, stop the existence for the objective reasons. As the feeble-minded person, backward in development up to a level of the child, it is unable to live itself and if has held to today only casual, it's by inertia, due to a conjuncture of the world costs for petroleum and long-suffering of own people - Masochism, same feeble-minded, ready to suffer to itself tyranny eternally, and not only suffer, but also sincerely enjoy it.
Boris Stomakhin, "Caucaus-Centere", 22.09.05.