«Ideological symbols of Lenin and Stalin» to be banned in Lithuania
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Lithuanian rightists, conservative activists from the Homeland Union plan to introduce a draft law urging to ban «ideological symbols of Lenin and Stalin» into the Seim. The Soviet symbols ware equated to Nazi symbols. According to Vilia Aleknaite-Abramikene, member of the group initiated the law, the draft claims to «treat with much strictness to the use of Nazi and similar symbols,» reports OMNI naujienos. Talking about «similar» symbols, she meant symbols of the Soviet Union.
The plans to ban Soviet symbols have been nurtured for a long time, but the process was precipitated by an incident in early August, when the leader of Lithuanian ultrarightists Mindaugas Murza visited a congress of political prisoners and exiles and started waving a flag with symbols resembling Nazi. It is not clear why the incident provoked a decision to put an end to the use of Soviet symbols as well.
It is not clear either symbols of what kind are meant. However, this year ideological leader of of the rightists Vitautas Landsbergis, as a member of the European Parliament, suggested that EU parliament outlaw Soviet symbols including hammer and crescent. The initiative aroused protests from Italian communists.
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