August, 9, 2005
The totalitarian propagation
The past weekend became a demonstrative lesson of totalitarian propagations which are able to export Russian, "under-Putin's MASS-MEDIA. In this plan the countries of the CIS, not having their own powerful mass - media, face with a problem of information terror or "oculpation" of national masses. Perhaps, today it is one of the main tools of the geopolitic control of Russia above the, yet still sovereign, colonies.
Tadjikistan - is one of the few countries which up to the last time tested such information pressure on the part of the Russian MASS-MEDIA. At remember the peak of the info - terror which arose in 2002-2003 year because of the decision of the Tadjik side, to protect independent the Tadjik-Afghani border. Practically all Russian press, TV and Internet - mass-media including so-called independent, at Kremlin's suggestion of the befell upon Tadjikistan, accusing of, begining with the fact about "main transit way of the Afghani heroin to the countries of CIS" ending up with "producer of heroin". The objects of info - war became the unfortunate citizens of Tadjikistan who are temporarily for earnings in Russia - they were called just - "dirty, ragged, uncultured and contagious" people, and each arrested for crime, Gipsy - "liuli", Uzbek or anyone else, certainly would give out for the Tadjik.
The skinheads and Russian neo-fascists as well as such types of citizens dressed in uniforms who began to pursue migrants only because that they were Tadjiks, made the use of antiTadjik and state political propagation. As a result several hundreds of victims are dead, most of them are simply brutally killed. The peak became the murder of high-ranking Russian officials' children, Tadjik Hurshedi's 9-year-old girl in Saint Petersburg , who herself was accused as a victim of " Tadjik drug dealers".
The concession of Russia in the form of a constant disposition of the Russian military base in Tadjikistan, a set of delicious economic projects immediately changed the relation of Russian info - special troops towards Tadjiks. Now, when authorities have cancelled command "fas" to Tadjiks and have directed to the Georgians and Ukrainians, the MASS-MEDIA were switched to the western direction.
Now Andizhan and we again see the Russian propagation, this time directed for the support of the totalitarian governor. The Russian MASS-MEDIA with impatience were waiting for the performance of I.Karimov for a long time, but yet they had been poisoning people with one-sided estimations of the events given by deputies and officials of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Eventually, the president Karimov steped forth, and all the world learned his version from - the Russian MASS-MEDIA!
Does not I.Karimov appears to be the Russian governor, and Uzbekistan - his province? Why do we learn "the truth" about Andizhan and Uzbekistan as a whole from Russia , instead of from Uzbekistan ? Everything is right, the independent press and TV in this country were trampled in a dirty long ago, therefore, when Karimov ought to inform something to the world, he will tell it to the prepared Russian press. When "Kremlin order" turns out against him, he simply will disconnect all channels and block the Internet. And yet guys while there is an opportunity, let's listen, what speaks Islam Karimov with the voice of "Putin's" MASS-MEDIA:
"Today it is already possible to assert, that disorders were organized by one of the branches of Islamic movement "Khizb-ut-Takhrir" under the name "Arkami", informs IOA?-TASS.
About the accident, I was informed by Minister of Internal Affairs Zakirdzhon Almatov", - he said. " the operative staff was organized to which had set the task to release the hostages and to liberate the city from offenders.
Thus the president emphasized, that he charged the Minister of Internal Affairs to tell, that he promises criminals not to pursue them. "I have never deceived my people and never changed my words. But the political conditions which were put by criminals, never were and will not be for us acceptable, " told Karimov.
During the discussion of a question about possible releasing of leaders assailed from jails, special services had fixed a telephone call from the building of regional administration during which one of the assaulter phoned the son and told him: "Rise people, they (authorities) gave a backing, take them all out to square". It is for certain known, that assaulters carried on negotiations by mobile phones with the telephone subscribers who were in territory of Afghanistan and Kirghizia.
This information is confirmed with sources in power structures of Russia. In eve of the Andizhan events on a joint of borders of Kirghizia, Uzbekistan and Tadjikistan insurgents secretly concentrated. "these both gangsters, and islam-radicals, and filtered from Afghanistan talibs", - informed the source RIA " news" in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. According to the diplomat, having rearranged, the part of the insurgents armed up to teeth, was set to Uzbekistan. "Their actions were beforehand planned - all over again capture of military unit and the weapon, then an attack on prison, clearing of criminals and significant number of extremists, capture of hostages. The purpose - is not simple to destabilize conditions and to blow up it all over again in Andizhan, Fergana valley, and in all Uzbekistan, - told a source.
This is idle talk, and in another way, in any way it is impossible to name it, it is designed for wide layers of the population unfamiliar with a real situation in region. First, in many chats Uzbekistans mark out, that at subscribers of cellular communication in Andizhan is not present roaming (opportunities of communication) with Afghanistan, and as a whole would be naive to believe, that authorities have not disconnected transmitters of local cellular communication. And the instruction on bells to Kirghizia, is a stone in a kitchen garden of the present revolutionary government in Bishkek, and extremely dangerous game of Karimov which may serve as an occasion for internationalization of the local conflict.
How in turn to regard timely the application of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Russia for islamist-radicals and talibs, the borders which have concentrated on a joint in Fergana? If the Russian investigation even earlier knew about their presence here why did not inform the local governments and they in common did not carry out the action on stripping district? What for was to carry out doctrines of ODKB in Tadjikistan on struggle with mythical talibs when is real near by?
May be, they have appeared right after revolts in Andizhan? Have ridden through one thousand kilometers on mountains of Pamir and Tien Shan from Afghanistan, having overcome enemy territories for them Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, the Tadjik and Kirghiz authorities? And may be, these are neighbouring countries by helicopters of them have thrown in this region? On one this question there is no reasonable answer and only for one reason - it was favourable to Kremlin to support idea talib-khizbu-ut-tarkhirovsk a trace in Andizhan and to render urgent
Moral - propaganda support to regime of Karimov, simultaneously having neutralized possible criticism on the part of the West. And it is not important, that it is full bosh, the main thing strategically to win in time where the report goes for minutes, and there is no opportunity to build plausible versions.
I am far from idea, that the western governments are not engaged in the propagation directed on achievement of the interests. Everyone search the benefit, solve geopolitic, economic, arrogant or other problems. A question in that, on what they are directed - on overthrow of totalitarian governors or on their support, to the blessing of this or that people or against?
It is possible to understand, those who does not welcome a different sort of revolution in our region. Popular uprisings cannot be supposed, as in the period of distemper and chaos innocent people perish, hardly lifted economy falls, independence of the countries is placed under a threat. But those who supports such regimes, only accelerate approach of such revolutions as allow to trust autocratic leaders, that it is possible not to listen to people to break uniform laws for all. As if this support is expressed in false propagation, it may be regarded, as external intervention.
By the way, the small information about the organization "Akrami", accused of religious terrorism by the site
"In April, 1998 the businessman Akram Iuldashev according to the decision of the Andizhan city court was sentenced to imprisonment for 2 years and 6 months on basis of accusation of storage of drugs. At the end of December of the same year he was released on amnesty. However next day after explosions in February, 1999 in Tashkent he was again arrested also by the same court, sentenced to imprisonment for 17 years, as long as, under the official version, he was conducting organizer of these tragical events. Under the version of authorities, Akram Iuldashev was involved earlier in the terrorist organization "Khizb ut-takhrir", forbidden in the majority of the countries of the CIS. Thus any real confirmations of this information are not present, no less than there are no confirmations of communication between "Akrami" and "Khizb ut-takhrir".
By the way, the prisoner arrested together with Iuldashev "criminal accomplice", condemned in the spring of 1999 for 16 years, Jurakhon Azimov, in July of the same year died of tortures in jasliskoi prison. In two years the Supreme court of Uzbekistan partly rehabilitated him. Already dead Jurakhon Azimov was imposed a penalty of seven years imprisonment.
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Zafar Abdulaev, the director of the Internet - newspaper of Tadjikistan "Avesta"
Chechenpress, the Department of MASS-MEDIA, 09.08.05