Russia violates Finland's airspace MOSCOW | August 09, 2005 8:11:36 AM IST
An investigation is being conducted after a Russian Navy plane violated Finland's air space.
An investigation, started after Finland submitted a note, has revealed that a Tu-134 passenger plane of the Russian navy violated Finland's air space, a source in the Russian Defense Ministry's air space and air traffic department told Interfax.
The source said the crew of the aircraft have been barred from flying while the incident is under investigation.
The Finnish Defense Ministry said a Russian plane flew over the Gulf of Finland Friday, about one kilometer into Finnish airspace.
Finland submitted a diplomatic note to Russia in late May after a series of violations of Finnish airspace by planes flying between St. Petersburg and the Russian Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad, according to Helsinki Sonomat.
Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja said on Saturday that he believes that the incident was the result of carelessness and navigational error. He did not believe that any deliberate provocation was involved. (UPI)
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