Conditions of Announced Competition on the Memorial in Remembrance of the Victims of Circassians (Adygues) Genocide <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
1. The Conceptual Part of the Competition
In the period of the Russian-Caucasian War (1763-1864), the colonial policy of the Russian Empire resulted in the ethnic cleansing of Circassian (Adyghian) people. The political and military leadership of the empire planned far in advance and then accomplished at first the devastation of the Circassian territories and then, in the desolated places, purposeful settlement of other ethnic groups.
It is recognized fact that in a result of numerous punishing military expeditions, 90% of Circassian (Adyghian) population was physically destroyed, or deported from their homeland.
Numerous official documents of the Russian Empire confirm the offensive acts of the Empire military units during the Russian-Caucasian War, particularly, non-natural starvations and epidemics, aiming physical annihilation of the peaceful population ...
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