The Circassians' Genocide And Great Exodus Of May 1864
May Twenty First is a day of painful memories that marks the Day of Mourning for all Circassians. Circassians all over the world will commemorate the annual anniversary of the fall of which resulted in the Russian occupation that made Circassian Nation suffer of colonialism and/or forced deportation to be scattered around the world.
The North Caucasus is in the hearts and minds of all the peoples of the nations of North Caucasus, Circassians and others alike. The North Caucasians in Diaspora wish to return home, where they will be free to work out their destiny as they choose.
Caucasians love justice and believe in the dignity of mankind.
The North Caucasus is the fabulous homeland, and all nations should live in peace while enjoying liberty, freedom and independence.
The Russian-Circassian War which lasted between 1763 To 21, May, 1864 ended with the fall ...
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