posted by JFNC Message Boards - Genocide Crime. on May, 2005 as Genocide Crime
The Circassian Genocide
A professor of the university of Munich (München), Karl Friedrich Neumann
(not to be confused with the later Naumann), wrote in 1839 a book titled
"Russland und die Tscherkessen" (published in the collection "Reisen und
Länderbeschreibungen", vol. 19, in 1840). He describes, how Russia settled
Christians to the parts of Armenia gained from Persia in 1828 - actually,
Neumann had written about the issue already in 1834. (p. 68-69) Neumann
considered this a very sound policy and predicted, that all Caucasus would
become under firm Russian rule within the next decades. (p. 125) European powers
would not intervene, because it was the destiny of all Europe to rule over the
lands of Turks, Persians, and Hindus. (p. 129-130)
Neumann was no racist, but he certainly advocated colonialism and was a
Russophile in relation to the southern ...
posted by JFNC Message Boards - Genocide Crime. on as Genocide Crime
Olympic Games on the soil of Genocide?
Publication time: Today at 12:37 Djokhar time
<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->Last year Moscow lost the contest of hosting the Summer Olympics in 2012. According to the chairman of Russia's Olympic Committee, Leonid Tyagachev, the decision was not a sports question, but a political question. He pointed out the conflict in Chechnya as a major reason for Moscow's loss.
Unfortunately, Tyagachev hasn't learnt his lessons yet. The Russian olympic boss, who is the ski coach of Putin and a frequent tamada (table chairman) at his family parties, is today involved in promoting Sochi for the winter Olympics in 2014. This idea is completely absurd - it's like planning to celebrate Olympic Games in Auschwitz or Treblinka.
The Circassian people don't have the lobbying force of Jews or Armenians. Accordingly, the Genocide of the Circassians is almost a forgotten crime against humanity. The Holocaust Industry has quite far ... >>full
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