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Window on Eurasia: Sochi Countdown -- 50 Weeks to the Olympiad in the North Caucasus

posted by eagle on February, 2013 as Genocide Crime


Window on Eurasia: Sochi Countdown -- 50 Weeks to the Olympiad in the North Caucasus

Note:  This is my second special Window on Eurasia about the meaning and impact of the planned Olympiad on the nations in the surrounding region.  These WOEs, which will appear each Friday over the coming year, will not aim at being comprehensive but rather will consist of a series of bullet points about such developments.  I would like to invite anyone with special knowledge or information about this subject to send me references to the materials involved. My email address is  Allow me to express my thanks to all those who already have. Paul Goble

Russians Focusing on What Sochi Spending is Really Costing Them.  Moscow news outlets are telling their readers and viewers that for what Moscow is spending on the Sochi Games, the Russian could have built sports facilities for all Russians and 31 million square meters or housing, ...

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Window on Eurasia: Sochi Countdown — 51 Weeks to the Olympiad in the North Caucasus

posted by eagle on as Genocide Crime


Window on Eurasia: Sochi Countdown — 51 Weeks to the Olympiad in the North Caucasus

Note:  Each Friday over the coming months, I will prepare a special Window on Eurasia about the meaning and impact of the planned Olympiad on the nations in the surrounding region. These WOEs will not aim at being comprehensive but rather will consist of a series of bullet points about such developments.  I would like to invite anyone with special knowledge or information about this subject to send me references to the materials involved.  My email address is  Many thanks. Paul Goble

·         Sochi Olympics Won’t Really Be in Sochi. A resident of the city says that Sochi will be disrupted by visitors but that the venues for the competition will be outside its borders (

·        Only One-Third of Olympic Facilities Likely to Be Fully Ready.  Based on Moscow’s performance in Vladivostok in advance of the Pacific summit, a Moscow commentator says, ...

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New “Window On Eurasia” Website Blog For Pual Goble On Sochi Olympics

posted by eagle on as Genocide Crime

New "Window On Eurasia” Website Blog For Pual Goble On Sochi Olympics

Mr. Paul Goble has announced that he has established a Blog, that each Friday over the coming months, he has prepared a special "Window on Eurasia” about the meaning and impact of the planned Olympiad on the nations in the surrounding region. These WOEs will not aim at being comprehensive but rather will consist of a series of bullet points about such developments. Everybody with special knowledge or information about this subject is invited to send Mr. Paul Goble references to the materials involved. His email address is:
The Blog’s link is:

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The Reality of Circassian Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide

posted by eagle on as Genocide Crime

The Reality of Circassian Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide

By: Adel Bashqawi

7, February, 2013

Another attempt is being performed nowadays to turn the wheel of history to a reverse course, with the fact that whole world closing their eyes and ears leaving the Circassians and their legitimate rights in the status that can be described as "blowing in the winds” of authoritarianism, injustice, acquisition and assault on the freedom of an oppressed nation that had its homeland being occupied for more than 148 years now; but as time passes as the will to retrieve the violated rights strengthens!

Adyghe Hekum and Mak. Voice of Circassia” Website, quoted as citing an informed source, and published that the Georgian News Agency "GHN” (, has reported: "Russia categorically demanded from Georgia in the Georgian-Russian negotiations to repudiate the recognition of the Circassian Genocide and to stop the promotion for the topic”. According to other sources, Russia also desires ...

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