Jamestown Foundation: Circassians Step Up Their Activity As Georgian Politicians Consider Olympic Boycott
posted by eagle on November, 2010 as Genocide Crime
Circassians Step Up Their Activity as Georgian Politicians Consider Olympic BoycottPublication: Eurasia Daily Monitor November 29, 2010 03:18 PM
On November 19-21 in Tbilisi, Georgia, the Jamestown Foundation and Ilia State University held the second conference in the series on the volatile history and present of the North Caucasus. Part of the conference was dedicated to the issue of the Circassian "genocide,” that produced a renewed discussion in Georgia, Russia and beyond about the appropriateness of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.
On November 19, following a meeting of the Georgian parliament’s committees on foreign affairs and compatriots living abroad, the parliament’s press office said that "the legislators considered that it was necessary to convince the international Olympic Committee, National Olympic Committees and the international community in the necessity of holding 2014 Winter Olympiad in a different country.” On November 25, Georgia’s Deputy Prime Minister and State Minister for Euro-Atlantic Integration, Giorgi Baramidze, ... >> full
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Yahoo News: Russia Admits Stalin Ordered Katyn Massacre Of Poles
posted by eagle on as Genocide Crime
Russia admits Stalin ordered Katyn massacre of Polesby Dmitry Zaks – Fri Nov 26, 2:53 pm ET MOSCOW (AFP) – Russia's parliament on Friday declared Stalin responsible for ordering the Katyn massacre of Polish officers in World War II, a crime Moscow spent decades blaming on the Nazis to the fury of Poland. The resolution came amid reports that President Dmitry Medvedevintended to launch a major new "de-Stalinisation" drive that reminded Russians of the Soviet dictator's crimes and declassified once-secret information. The resolution of the State Duma lower house of parliament broke more than half a century of official reluctance to admit that the Soviet leadership under Joseph Stalin ordered the killing of thousands of Polish officers in 1940. The document conceded that history could no longer be ignored and that it was time to lay waste to the myths spread by "official Soviet propaganda". "Materials that for many ... >> full
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Radio Adiga: Ruslan Keshev - Recognition Of The Circassian Genocide - Is A Moral Duty.
posted by eagle on as Genocide Crime
Ruslan Keshev - Recognition of the Circassian Genocide - is a moral duty. 25 11 2010 Share
Ruslan Keshev - Recognition of the Circassian Genocide - is a moral duty. 24.11.2010,
We present you the translation of an interview made by "AntiSochi.org" with Ruslan Keshev, one of the leaders of "Circassian Congress", Circassian activist movement in Kabardino-Balkaria.
Good afternoon, Mr. Keshev! How would you rate the Tbilisi conference undertaken on 19-21 November this year?
We can definitely say that in the conference held in Tbilisi, the Circassian issue brought to a qualitatively new level. The problem of the Circassian people, 90% of whom reside outside of their historical homeland, while remaining at home until now divided into four "people", and six subjects of the federation, began more and more to attract the attention of the international community. Such a state of the Circassian people contradicts international law and the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Circassian Genocide committed by the ... >> full
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Radio Adiga: Hidden Nations, Enduring Crimes: The North Caucasus Between Past And Future.
posted by eagle on as Genocide Crime
hidden nations, enduring crimes: the north Caucasus between past and future. 19 11 2010
A second Conference with the title of hidden nations, enduring crimes: the north Caucasus between past and future Is being held in Georgia and is currently being conducted with the support of Gamestown Foundation and the Ilia State University at the Sheraton hotel in Tbilisi.
the two day conference that began yesterday at the reception will discuss issues related to people of the area of the Caucasus and the Circassians in particular.
The rector of the Ilia State University who host the conference, Mr. Gigi Tevazadze, noted in his opening remarks that it continued to convene the first conference held last spring and was successful. The president of the Gamestown Foundation, Mr. Glen Howard, thanked all delegates who came from 15 different countries and by coming created a conference that is larger than its predecessor and is an opportunity for ... >> full
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Open Letter to the Assembly of the Republic of Adygea
posted by eagle on as Genocide Crime
Open Letter to the Assembly of the Republic of AdygeaSUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2010 00:39 Addressing members of the Assembly of the Republic of Adygea Circassian,
Assembly of the Republic of Adygea in 2014 by the Sochi Winter Olympics scheduled to be included in an element of the Russian Olympic Committee Kutlamaları'na Circassian (ROK), a reference to have learned a great disappointment and embarrassment. Kutlamaları'nda Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics have made as a result of the call will be represented as a cultural representation of dozens of ethnic groups in the direction of the Circassians were supposedly a decision. In the light of this development, we want to ask: you made this application, the right to represent the belief that Çerkesleri'ni What makes the whole world? What's more important positions which Cherkessia, one of your ancestors had faced exile katledilip support Sochi Olympics said that done? This support the Olympics publicly, against the Circassians in which ... >> full
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