Putin's Criminal Olympics
posted by eagle on January, 2014 as Genocide Crime

WORLD NEWS 01.27.14 Putin's Criminal Olympics In a blockbuster report released today, Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny details the waste, fraud, and mismanagement behind the most expensive Olympics ever. It was inevitable that Alexey Navalny would do something big with the Olympics. The opposition leader famous for his anti-graft muckraking—and put on show trial for bogus "embezzlement” charges—couldn’t let the biggest racket in Russian history pass without his own peal-back of corporate cronyism, cost inflation, and outright criminality. The upcoming 2014 Winter Games in Sochi is now estimated to have cost more than $50 billion, a price tag higher than the last 21 Winter Games combined and more expensive than any Summer Games ever held. (The fact that Russia, a country associated with arctic temperatures, would hold an ice-and-snow competition in its warmest climate was a bit of an early giveaway of future book-cooking.)Today, Navalny’s Foundation for Fighting Corruption has launched an interactive website—which my ... >> full
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129 Days to the Circassian Genocide 150th year Commemoration
posted by eagle on as Genocide Crime
128 Days to the Circassian Genocide 150th year CommemorationDocument 97Circassia’s Declaration of Independence In 1835, in connection with the extremely difficult circumstances during the Caucasian War, the leaders of the Adiga tribes united and developed a "Declaration of independence", which was sent to the monarchs of Europe and Asia. This act had significant implications in the international Diplomacy. "The Declaration" was published in the same year in various foreign editions. The following text has been translated from one of the English editions To Russian Language: "The Caucasians are not Russian subjects and are not even in peace with Russia, but for many years now are embroiled in war with it, going through this war without any assistance. They never received any assistance or support from any government. While the Sultan, as the spiritual head of the Muslims, exercises his rule in these areas, the residents of the Black Sea Coast, whom are professing ...>> full
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129 Days to the Circassian Genocide 150th year Commemoration
posted by eagle on as Genocide Crime
129 Days to the Circassian Genocide 150th year Commemoration
Document 291831 The possibility of displacement of the Natokhawaj and the resettlement of Russian population instead. The idea that we had in mind for a long time came back to life, which is to lodge Cossacks in the northern coast of the Black Sea. It is known that Turkish neighbors wanted to put their hands on these areas, by establishing Azovskaya Cossack forces and settling them near Mariupol. This time, authorities took into consideration not to settle the Azovskaya troops, but the Malorossiyan Cossacks instead. It was determined to send 1300 families from Malorossiya(1) to Anapa, and when a question came up, "where would be best to resettled the Cossacks, Anapa or Gelendzhik?", the local authorities voted in favor of (Anapa), since it was closer to the Black Sea, and being -including its surroundings- a fertile land, which makes it easier for agriculture. The ... >> full
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130 Days to the Circassian Genocide 150th year Commemoration
posted by eagle on as Genocide Crime
130 Days to the Circassian Genocide 150th year Commemoration Document 23 24 June 1824 Emmanuel’s order to Bescrovny to prevent reaping the harvest of grain On June 24th Emmanuel assigned to Bescrovny the mission to move with the platoon to the Circassian territory that lies before the Anapa area, to prevent reaping the harvest of grain in the neighborhoods that do not pay levy of ratifications for peaceful relations with the Russians. And because it is not possible to prevent reaping the harvest of grain in different and large areas, Bescrovny asked Emmanuel the permission to burn grain and also punish those who do not wish to hand over the levy. Emmanuel delayed his answer, and only on the 21st of June he allowed to take decisive action against the mountaineers, he even allowed to reinforce the faction with more infantry near Anapa if the Shabsough and Natokhawaj refused to swear the oath of loyalty ... >> full
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131 Days to the Circassian Genocide 150th year Commemoration
posted by eagle on as Genocide Crime
131 Days to the Circassian Genocide 150th year Commemoration Document 12 18 June 1809 Commander Bursak’s mission to Cherkessiya Commander Bursak -accompanied by the whole task force- moved on June 18th and arrived at night to Psekups River, and from there he crossed to the rivers Chetuk and Matte. On their way the Cossacks burned several neighborhoods of Batamorza, Which sometimes gave the oath of loyalty and obedience to Russia and other times betrayed. The Circassians inhabitants hid in the mountains and forests and the mountaineers armed groups tried to create a barrier and closed the road in the face of the Russian Brigade. Clashes took place everywhere, the neighborhoods were burning in flames and blood was spelled. Throughout their presence in those areas, 18 neighborhoods were burnt, including many farms and apiaries. The grain and fodder reserve was lost, the Circassians lost 300 people and about 520 were seriously wounded. The Russian Brigade ... >> full
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