“Chechens are a shield of the West from Russian barbarians”
posted by zaina19 on September, 2005 as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/29/2005 7:03 AM August, 29, 2005 “Chechens are a shield of the West from Russian barbarians” A letter of Nadezhda Banchik to the “Chechenpress” Dear employees of the “Chechenpress” ! Thank you for that you do not let me and many other adherents die of asthma – with your extreme courage in such an unequal fight. Believe, everyone, who is in the slightest degree concerned with the destiny of your people, the Caucasus , Russia , and the world, sympathize with you. But all of us need to experience bitterly only our own powerlessness and impossibility to stop the fanatic genocide, very similar to which Jews have gone through. It is even more terrible, that freedom of speech turns into freedom of versions, 99 % of which are the tendentious propagation of those or other interests complicating revealing of the true and it also confuses the insufficiently uninitiated. In fact TACTICALLY Americans do almost the same in Iraq, what Russian gangs do in the ... >> full
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posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/29/2005 7:17 AM The Sin of Sins by Irina Sandul 24 August 2005 Empathy for the plight of women alcoholics in Russia is rising far more slowly than their numbers. MOSCOW, Russia | Masha, a long-legged former journalist, died last year at the age of 30. For seven years Masha never left her Moscow home without a bottle of vodka. “This is always with me,” she used to say, pulling a small bottle of Russkaya from the pocket of her miniskirt. Her day used to start with a deciliter of vodka, watching television and brooding about where to have another drink. Before turning to vodka Masha did heroin. “Drinking is better,” she used to say. Not long after, Masha died after overdosing on heroin. A 50-year-old accountant, Larisa, hasn't taken a drink for two years. Sitting in a cheerless Alcoholics Anonymous meeting room at a suburban Moscow police station, she recollects how her mother also drank hard. Larisa took her first drink at 10. By ... >> full
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Personality Cult in Chechnya
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
Personality Cult in Chechnya 01-Sep-05 The manufactured campaign to glorify slain Chechen president Akhmad Kadyrov carries a coded message from Moscow. By Kazbek Tsuraev in Grozny (CRS No. 302, 01-Sep-05) Hundreds of people are gathered expectantly in Grozny’s central square, against a backdrop of bullet-scarred and burnt-out buildings. Facing the crowd, in which black-uniformed policemen mingle with civilians, is a man in a smart suit - Chechnya’s Moscow-backed president, Alu Alkhanov. He is standing beside a towering pedestal on which stands a figure covered in a green cloth. Alkhanov stretches out a hand and pulls away the cloth to reveal a three-metre tall statue of a man holding prayer beads and dressed in a “papakha”, the traditional Caucasian fur hat. It depicts Akhmad Kadyrov, the Kremlin-backed Chechen leader who was killed when a bomb went off at Grozny’s stadium on May 9, 2004. “This monument is dedicated to a man who loved his people,” Alkhanov tells the crowd. “He became leader at the most difficult time for his country, and we should raise ... >> full
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V.Novodvorskaja: " Putin is a military criminal and I am in territory of the criminal state"
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 9/2/2005 2:13 PM September, 1, 2005 V.Novodvorskaja: " Putin is a military criminal and I am in territory of the criminal state" Valery Novodvorskaja: we are not the unique country where there are acts of terrorism, it is so. But we are the unique country, in which, it is terrible to tell, acts of terrorism are deserved. Therefore to get rid of acts of terrorism we at least might try - and then already appeal to heavens and refer to the innocence. You speak about what truth, you want to hear what truth? It is already the third case. Where is that bag with hexogen, with which the employee of FSB caught in a cellar at home that should be blown up as the previous ones, in Ryazan , ran off in bushes? This truth was informed to interested persons, and it was completely clear, why houses were blown up. The second case - "Nord-Ost". Who else has not enough truth about nervous ... >> full
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Dissidents are making noise against President Putin, loud enough for country's leaders to take notice
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 9/4/2005 7:14 AM Stirring for Russian revolution Dissidents are making noise against President Putin, loud enough for country's leaders to take notice BY SEBASTIAN SMITH SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT August 29, 2005 MOSCOW - With 39 of his followers crammed into defendants' cages in the Moscow courtroom, would-be Russian revolutionary Eduard Limonov might have been expected to concede defeat. Three weeks earlier, riot police had used a power saw to enforce an eviction order at the headquarters of his National Bolshevik party, a youth outfit that has won a cult following with stunts like throwing eggs at politicians and unfurling anti-government banners in public. A separate court had recently outlawed the movement, which espouses an eclectic mix of ultranationalism and liberalism, and when the Supreme Court overturned that decision, prosecutors immediately appealed. Now, in an ongoing trial that began in mid-July, the 39 young party members - known as NatsBols - face possible jail terms of up to 8 years for briefly occupying a public Kremlin office in December. The ... >> full
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