The situation with hellish fires might further complicate in 17 Russian regions with favorable situation for the spread of fires, said the ringleader of Emergency Situations Ministry (ESM) Sergei Shoigu.
According to him, serious situation arose in Vladimir and Moscow regions as well as in Karelia, where the "downstream" fires turned "upstream". Earlier, Russian officials spoke about "stormy fires".
Shoigu said that "upstream" fires are spreading much more quickly, in Nizhny Novgorod region fiery tornadoes move at a speed of 100 meters per minute.
"We have a fire area of 82,000 hectares which emerged in 6 hours. Fiery tornadoes jumped over 250-meter lakes like a puddle", Shoigu reported.
According to Shige, the main task for him is now to protect Russian population and facilities of economic importance.
"A part of our work is connected with facilities of the correctional system (famous Russian GULAG - KC), which are mainly located in forests, as well as potentially dangerous production facilities", said the ringleader of the ESM.
Russian authorities say that ...