MOSCOW, July 31 (Marc Bennetts for RIA Novosti) - April is the cruellest month according to T.S. Eliot, but for modern Russia it is undoubtedly August, a time of catastrophe, crisis and political upheaval.
For almost two decades, Russians have learned to expect the worst from the eighth month of the year, with 1991 seeing a coup and 2008 war in the Caucasus.
The litany of August chaos and woe reads like this:
August 19, 1991 - Communist hardliners disgruntled at Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms launch an unsuccessful coup attempt that leads to the break-up of the Soviet Union.
August 14, 1992 - The Georgian-Abkhazian war begins, with the conflict involving large numbers of Russian citizens.
Early August 1994 - The notorious MMM pyramid scheme collapses, leaving millions of Russians without their life-savings, a sum believed to be up to $1.5 billion.
August 24, 1995 - The Russian interbank credit system breaks down, leading to the ruin of 28 Russian banks.
August 29, 1996 - A ...