Aslan Maskhadov has won Putin
posted by zaina19 on August, 2005 as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/26/2005 4:09 AM August, 26, 2005 Aslan Maskhadov has won Putin Interview to the chairman of National front of Latvia Aivar Gardo In the Russian MASS-MEDIA sounded the malicious pleasure due to murder of president of Chechnia Aslana Mashadova, cynical declared, that he is liquidated. Similar emotions showed newspapers of the Latvian invaders. Whether it is necessary to spill bitter tears after this pleasure? Aivar Garda: Consequences of this murder will very heavy for Russians especially because against Aslan Maskhadov huge disrespect was shown. The killed president was shown on TV, helplessly laying in a pool, with purposely naked stomach and a chest cavity. My generation saw a lot many films about the Second World war when the Soviet army was at war with Germans. When captured any general or marshal who really was military criminal, they did it with respect. Never showed, that the marshal would subject tortures, humiliation. But even after death they tried to humilate the president of Chechen people. though, certainly, it ... >> full
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Crisis in the Russian sociology: 58=16?
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/26/2005 4:21 AM August, 26, 2005 Crisis in the Russian sociology: 58=16? Russian experts on studying of the public opinion have been separated, as a matter of fact, into two conflicting camps. One of it on behalf of the VTSIOM gives the results representing the operating authority positively. Others, led by "Levada-center" (old structure of the VTSIOM) give the results of researches satisfying only the democratic opposition. The situation is close to critical, as you do not know who can be trusted: the VTSIOM, according to the data of which the slogan "Russia for Russians!" is supported only by 16 percent of Russians, or to "Levada-center", the experts of which have counted already 58 percent of the whole population of Russia, supporting this. Apparently, the truth is somewhere in the middle, though everyday experience shows, that this "middle" is much closer to "Levada-center", than to the VTSIOM. There is another question. If such divergences in results of scientific researches become regular, it will ... >> full
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Boris Berezovsky: People against Putin
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/1/2005 2:05 AM Jule, 28, 2005 Boris Berezovsky: People against Putin As the process of public debates in Russia today is castrated, and the Kremlin is in a condition to carry out a juggling of elections, the change of a regime - is a unique way for those who wants to rescue the democratic idea in Russia: Today the question of authority in Russia may not be determined only by polling districts any more. As it happened in Ukraine , in Lebanon and Kyrgyzstan , it will be solved in streets. I promoted Vladimir Putin's election as the successor of the first democraticly elected president of Russia Boris Yeltsin. As today gebesh-mafia structures rule the country and manipulate judicial system, it is considered, that Yeltsin personally had wanted to pick up to itself the successor in order to avoid judical prosecution in the future. Actually we - those who have elected Putin - were entrusted to find the person, capable of continuing Yeltsin's ... >> full
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posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/6/2005 3:32 AM August, 4, 2005 The Way to FREEDOM Ideas rattle for the whole world more loudly, than guns. Ideas are more powerful, than armies. Principles have gained more victories, than horse cavalry and chariots (U. Paxton) . The American television company “ABC” in the program “Nightline” showed the interview to the Chechen commander Shamil Basaev, given by him to the Russian journalist Andrei Babitsky. Then a diplomatic scandal burst for the whole world. The so-called Russian politicians arranged a real hysteria, which was caused not even with what Shamil Basaev stated in the interview, (all the same they would not understand, what Shamil was talking about), but with the very fact of his dialogue with the western audience. Most of all inhabitants of the Kremlin were frightened with that Shamil came out on the American TV. And it is clear, why: those, who take freedom away from others, are slaves, and they also need the owner. According to the understanding of the ... >> full
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Russians Give Government a Negative Rating
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/9/2005 12:37 AM August 9, 2005 Russians Give Government a Negative Rating CREDIT: UN/DPI Photo Mikhail Fradkov (Angus Reid Global Scan) – Many adults in Russia are dissatisfied with their federal authorities, according to a poll by ROMIR Monitoring. 53 per cent of respondents believe the performance of the government has been negative or very negative. Vladimir Putin was elected to a second term as president in March 2004 with 71.31 per cent of all cast ballots. In April, Putin ruled out seeking a new mandate, saying, "I will not change the constitution and in line with the constitution, you cannot run for president three times in a row." In March 2005, Putin appointed Mikhail Fradkov as prime minister. Fradkov had previously worked as minister of foreign economic relations and minister of trade. On Aug. 4, Fradkov expressed satisfaction with Russia’s socio-political development, saying, "I would like to believe that the indices we had in June will be confirmed in the coming months." The country’s Gross Domestic ... >> full
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