Russian admiral slams appeal to NATO for help in rescuing sub
posted by zaina19 on August, 2005 as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/7/2005 1:12 AM Aug 6 2005 8:34PM Russian admiral slams appeal to NATO for help in rescuing sub
MOSCOW. Aug 6 (Interfax) - A former commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet said it was a mistake to ask NATO countries for help in rescuing the crew of the Russian mini-submarine stranded on the Pacific floor since Thursday because "this region is stuffed with [Russian military] secrets."
The region hosts "the main base for the strategic nuclear submarines of the Pacific Fleet, which NATO itself has nicknamed a wasps' nest. A secret cable runs through the area and a foreign submarine detection system is located here too," Hero of the Soviet Union Adm. Eduard Baltin told Interfax.
He expressed surprise that the Pacific Fleet command had said openly that the sub had got caught on an underwater antenna instead of "an underwater object." "This antenna is one of the main components of an active system for the long-range detection of submarines," he said.
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Russian admiral slams appeal to NATO for help in rescuing sub
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/7/2005 1:12 AM Aug 6 2005 8:34PM Russian admiral slams appeal to NATO for help in rescuing sub
MOSCOW. Aug 6 (Interfax) - A former commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet said it was a mistake to ask NATO countries for help in rescuing the crew of the Russian mini-submarine stranded on the Pacific floor since Thursday because "this region is stuffed with [Russian military] secrets."
The region hosts "the main base for the strategic nuclear submarines of the Pacific Fleet, which NATO itself has nicknamed a wasps' nest. A secret cable runs through the area and a foreign submarine detection system is located here too," Hero of the Soviet Union Adm. Eduard Baltin told Interfax.
He expressed surprise that the Pacific Fleet command had said openly that the sub had got caught on an underwater antenna instead of "an underwater object." "This antenna is one of the main components of an active system for the long-range detection of submarines," he said.
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Fitness of Russia's Navy Questioned
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/8/2005 5:10 AM Aug 8, 5:34 AM EDT Fitness of Russia's Navy Questioned By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV Associated Press Writer PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY, Russia (AP) -- As the Russian navy scrambled to save seven men trapped for three days in a mini-submarine under the Pacific ocean, Alexander Pirogov watched bitterly from a dilapidated apartment on the edge of town. "Everything has been destroyed. They can't save anyone," the retired submarine officer said of the Russian fleet. Unlike the 2000 sinking of the nuclear submarine Kursk, when all 118 aboard died, Russia's latest undersea drama ended happily Sunday with the red-and-white AS-28 mini-submarine bobbing to the surface of the gray sea. Its seven passengers emerged from the hatch alive and in fairly good condition, though a bit cold. The key element in the successful rescue operation was a sophisticated robotic vehicle flown urgently to this remote peninsula from Britain, 12 time zones away. It cut away the obstructions snaring the sub, allowing it to surface. At Russia's request, the United ... >> full
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posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/9/2005 1:04 AM August, 9, 2005 Brend and raving "National brend" (NBI - Nation Brands Index) - the integrated value, defining the attraction of this or that nation in the world. According to the international agency GMI on this parameter of USA , the countries have been slid year on 11 places (with 4-th), and Russia occupies next to last - 24th place (on the last - Turkey ). Being outside of first tens for the country applying for the status of the global leader, - is strange and shameful. How strange and shameful is, to enclose the list to the country applying "to catch up with and to outstrip the America . However, it is not strange, though is shameful. One more obvious parameter pointing out the fall of two previous superpowers' image. According to recent research of international corporation Pew Global Attitudes Project, the popularity of the United States in the world has fallen down to a record bottom and nowadays America ... >> full
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When the conscience is guilty
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/14/2005 9:51 AM August, 11, 2005 When the conscience is guilty It is still possible to remain unpunished when the conscience is guilty, but to remain confident - in no way. Even the person who are not caught thinks, that he is just about to be caught, and begins to toss and turn while sleeping, and as soon as there is a talk about any sort of misdeed, he starts to recollect his one, it seems to him badly latent, and unreliably hidden. The treatment starts to be of benefit, when the body which has lost sensitivity reacts to a touch with a pain. After the painful injection made by reporters of British telechannel SHAELL-4, subsequently in the role of the doctor for the Russian power structures acted American broadcasting company ABC. The first patient of ABC having ailed inpelvic muscles became the head of Ministry of Defence of Russia . It is well-known, that the martinet under the patronage of John commander, always ... >> full
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