Corruption in Russian armed forces
posted by zaina19 on August, 2005 as ANALYSIS / OPINION
25 July 2005 06:59 Corruption in Russian armed forces Corruption in Russian armed forcesAuditors have identified a number of areas of corruption in the Russian armed forces, Russian newspaper Moskovskiy Komsomolets has reported. The paper explained in detail how expenses relating to transportation and freight shipments were falsified or inflated by corrupt officials. The Audit Chamber has ascertained how money is stolen in the Russian army. Until an instance of embezzlement of state funds has been proved in court, it is usually referred to as "misuse of funds". When auditors discover that millions were spent on something that could have cost thousands, they state the following in their report: Misuse of funds took place as a result of insufficient examination of the services market and the incompetence of leaders. Judging by these reports, incompetence is all around us, wherever we look. Surprisingly, however, the incompetent people despite their ineptitude know how to rake in millions. At the beginning of the summer, the Audit Chamber referred to the Main Military ... >> full
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The war can be stopped only by war
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/26/2005 4:14 AM August, 26, 2005 The war can be stopped only by war The Russian MASS-MEDIA persistently pretend, as if they have not noticed the recent radical changes and reforms in a lawful authority of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria - the decrees of president of CHRI Sadulaev about resignation of the government and a cancellation of institute of representatives of CHRI abroad. Meanwhile, this news - is the major in general on the whole political field of Russia and Europe for the whole August. The page is turned, the feature is brought, the load is dropped from shoulders! Henceforth strategy of struggling Ichkeria cardinally varies. To be humiliated and beg, something from somebody in general is not supposed any more. The centre of gravity of the war as a rule, is finally returned from Strasbourg in Johar and mountain forests of Ichkeria. This is the big impact for Russian state terrorists. Since now both the official West on behalf of their presidents ... >> full
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posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
Prev Discussion Next Discussion Send Replies to My Inbox Reply Recommend Message 1 of 1 in Discussion From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/27/2005 12:17 AM Yuri Levada / Photo from Yuri Levada / Photo from What Russians Fear Most Created: 17.08.2005 15:11 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 15:13 MSK > document.write(get_ago(1124277221)); </SCRIPT> Yevgeny Natarov Surveys say that Russians are far more concerned about rising prices than they are about terrorism and especially human rights. While 71 percent of respondents in a survey by the Levada Polling Center said they were more worried about price inflation than anything else, just 15 percent felt threatened by terror attacks. Human rights? A mere 2 percent. The center’s head, Yuri Levada, explains why. Yuri Alexandrovich, how have the anxieties of Russians changed in the last year? Can you note any tendencies? If we compare data from surveys taken this year with those taken last year, then price inflation is in first place, far ahead of the others. This year, 71 percent noted ... >> full
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The note on fields of " the fighting brother " Basaev's letter
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/1/2005 11:57 PM August, 2, 2005 The note on fields of " the fighting brother " Basaev's letter Some sort of strange things have been occuring on the sites of ichkeria lately. I'll try to state the fact of the matterr in brief. For the first time after the six years long of the Second Russian-Chechen war in our press has appeared very objective article about activity of glorified Chechen commander Shamil Basaev. The authors of this article are not Chechens, which is of no small importance. I mean the material under the name " Shamil Basaev - the steadiest protector of rights of our modernity, signed by such known and authoritative journalists and protectors of rights of our modernity as Oleg Mihilevich, Boris Stomahin, Tatyana Bliznjuk, Vladimir Panteleev and others (8 signatures in all), and published on the site GIA "Chechenpress". But on this very day against above mentioned protectors of rights (basically, a slavic nationality) appeared the serious opponent in the person ... >> full
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Putin at broken "Chechen trough"
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/6/2005 3:02 AM August, 3, 2005 Putin at broken "Chechen trough" Irina Lagunina: In spite of the fact that authorities declare, that in republic has passed process of "normalization", the region remains in a condition of war. The Russian forces also are at war with resistance in three next republics, in quite confusing operations which are crossed with gangsterism, kidnapping and criminal disassemblies. It is not expected from Russian president Vladimir Putin any new initiatives to finish the war. Last week he told the ministery, that whatever military operations were planned, they should be carried out as soon as possible - this is one of the rare publications about the Chechen Republic of recent times in the western press. The newspaper " Irish Times ". What did we get from this almost six-year-old war? I pass a microphone to Andrey Babitski. Andrey Babitski: Official Kremlin political scientists as Viacheslav Nikonov or Sergei Mark assert that, at last the campaign is victoriously completed. Sergei ... >> full
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