Kasparov takes the first steps on a path leading to Russian revolution
posted by zaina19 on August, 2005 as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/9/2005 12:58 AM August, 8, 2005 Kasparov takes the first steps on a path leading to Russian revolution The chess world champion started the campaign to hinder president Putin to remain on the third term. If a chess - is the practice for mind as once has told Garry Kasparov, the Russian policy for him was not easier at all from the moment of his dramatic debut this year. For the last five months he has been beaten on a head with a chess board, has been assaulted by militia, eggs have been thrown and ketchup has been poured over him, and also has been attacked verbally. All this has taken place after, when in March he declared, that he was going to leave a sports chess in order to devote himself to political strike against president Putin. 42-year-ald Kasparov has not got used to failures. he has been the best player in a chess since 1985 when he became the youngest world champion. Nevertheless he is ... >> full
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Basaev has dispelled the myth about "the Chechen terrorism"
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/9/2005 1:31 AM August, 9, 2005 Basaev has dispelled the myth about "the Chechen terrorism" On the 28 th July the broadcasting company ABC showed S. Basaev 's interview to journalist A. Babitsky. It is a normal practice in the state, where the freedom of speech is provided and universal values are appreciated. Such can take place in the state, where the authority sincerely supports observance of democratic principles, respects human rights and freedom. Such cannot take place in the Russian Federation for there is no even a visibility of democracy here, and the authority is afraid of open dialogue with people, as it is not sure, that people will support it. Therefore the show of interview of Basaev in the USA has caused a hysterical reaction of the Kremlin officials. If S. Basaev's speech has caused such an alarm in the government of Russia , it means, Basaev has managed to dispel the myth about "Chechen international terrorism" before the American people. ... >> full
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Why Americans have shown Basaev
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/14/2005 10:08 AM August, 12, 2005 Why Americans have shown Basaev Alongside with an "antiterrorist" hysteria, there are at first sight invisible global processes in the world, and only having looked at it closely, it becomes clear, that the world is gradually polarized. In this polarization there is one remarkable feature - there is a pulling of Russia , and that, in its turn, successfully uses it. On the one hand there is a so-called antiterrorist coalition and G-8, the equal member of which Russia is, at the same time there is also "the Shanghai Eight", a member of which also Russia is. Where will Russia incline? As we see, this huge and extremely tasty "chunk" named the Russian Federation is given a great value. At the given historical moment there is an extremely acute question: whether there will be an Americanization in Russia ? While Americans thoroughly "slipped" in Iraq , the Russian special services did not lose tome in vain. At the numerous ... >> full
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posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/16/2005 9:32 AM August, 16, 2005 "I am Chikotilo" One of the readers of "Caucasus-Center" has sent in editorial office a material about a famous Russian concentration camp "Chernokozovo", which was published by the journalist from Saint Petersburg Vladimir Kriviretski in the Parisian newspaper "Russian idea". Edition of "Caucasus-Center" publishes a material with small abridgment. More terrible than war One Chechen mathematics teacher in Grozno has told me: "All wars come to an end some day, even centenary ones". This war will be terminated also. But its participants and witnesses will stay on the earth. And everyone with horror will recollect unprecedented cruelty of this second Chechen campaign. The interview taken in one village of the Chechen Republic from the former prisoner of Chernokozovo - the evidence of that. But the cruelty of Chechens on this war and the cruelty of warriors " it not two different cruelties... -Indeed the wars on battlefields sooner or later come to an end. But in the souls they stay ... >> full
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posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
Prev Discussion Next Discussion Send Replies to My Inbox Reply Recommend Message 1 of 1 in Discussion From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 8/24/2005 4:13 PM August, 18, 2005 The Chechen Catalyst Speaking about chronic infringement of human rights in Russia and adducing a huge quantity of concrete examples, we somehow miss one, breaking rights of everybody at once: the whole population of the country from the youth up to elders. It is a list of questions concerning the Chechen war. Because everything, happening in the territory of the republic and out of it, anyhow related to the Chechen Republic , independently on the one, by whom it is authorized in each separate case, is done on behalf of all people. In the notorious interview, which was taken recently by Babitsky from Basayev, the Chechen field commander directly accused all Russian people of, let involuntary, but doubtless, though indirect support of the military campaign against his republic by means of support of the policy of ... >> full
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