Putin is a casual person in world politics
posted by zaina19 on July, 2005 as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 7/9/2005 5:09 AM Jule, 09, 2005 Putin is a casual person in world politics Putin is a casual person in world politics. He is not only an authoritative politician, but also a gambler, who has turned out to be in a wrong place, approve reporters of the newspaper “Washington Post”, spouses Peter Baker and Suzan Glasser in the book "The Eminence of the Kremlin". Putin provoked a splash of discontent, when at the meeting with the British Prime-Minister Blair he remembered, that Africans had propensity to cannibalism. After he had been called to account for infringements of human rights in the Chechen Republic , he attacked the past of the African continent, the newspaper “Sun” writes, the translation of which is cited by the site Inopressa.ru. Having given in to a fit of anger, Putin once again showed his unbalanced character and declared, "We know, that in some African countries not so long ago there was a practice "to have a snack" with your ... >> full
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A. Litvinenko: “The originator of the acts of terrorism in London was standing near Toni Blair”
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 7/14/2005 2:16 AM Jule, 11, 2005 A. Litvinenko: “The originator of the acts of terrorism in London was standing near Toni Blair” A series of powerful explosions thundered on Thursday morning in London . The data on the quantity of the explosions are different. First it was informed on six or seven explosions, later the police declared, that there had been four explosions. Also for now the exact quantity of victims is not known: it is known only, that there are tens of the lost, and hundreds of the wounded. We have contacted the former lieutenant colonel of the FSB Alexander Litvinenko, who received a political asylum in the Great Britain , and nowadays lives in London , and asked him to comment on the tragic events in the capital of the Great Britain . The correspondent: Hello, Alexander! As we know, you live in London . Tell us, please, what happened in London on Thursday and how can you comment it? A. Litvinenko: What ... >> full
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posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 7/22/2005 2:08 AM Jule, 18, 2005 Strange silence of western "friends" of Putin Has anybody thought, why the chronology of the beginning of the modern version of terrorism begins since the 11 th of September, 2001 ? Why is this date practically always present in statements of George Bush, Blair and their other colleagues by the "antiterrorist" struggle? And whether there were no autumn explosions in Moscow and other cities of Russia in 1999? Why not to begin the tragic chronology, for example, since September, 9, 1999 , when there was an explosion in the apartment house, in the Guryanov Street in Moscow , as the result of which 94 people were lost and more than 200 were wounded? How can such strange forgetfulness be explained? Or are not the lost Russians already considered to be people? Let's try to answer at least some "whys". Speaking about September explosions in the cities of Russia , it is necessary to note, that there the Russian ... >> full
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posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
No Laughing Matter The Soviet police state was probably one of the least funny regimes in history, but the jokesters collected in Bruce Adams' book didn't see things that way. By Carl Schreck Published: July 22, 2005 Educated as an engineer, Klava was working as a manicurist to pay the bills while she waited for permission to leave Brezhnev's Soviet Union. She was tending to her customers' fingernails one day when a longtime client sauntered in and tried to move to the head of the line. Klava explained that she would have to wait like everyone else, and while she waited, Klava and her customers swapped political wisecracks subverting popular Party slogans: "When we say Lenin, we mean Party," they said. "When we say Party, we mean Lenin. And this is how we deal with everything. We say one thing, we mean something else." After Klava had finished with her other customers, the unscheduled client told a joke of her own: "There was a competition for the best joke about Lenin. ... >> full
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Some facts from the biography of Taus Jabrailov
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 7/29/2005 3:22 AM Jule, 26, 2005 Some facts from the biography of Taus Jabrailov Sahlam alleikum, dear brothers from Marsho. The constant visitor of your site is writing to you. One of these days I read an article about Ljuba Bashanova and was pleasantly surprised, that you have printed this article. Many thanks to you that you have written the truth about the swindler and the agent of FSB. I am trying to add to your article the additional information available for me. Approximately in the beginning of 1992 in Nalchik I got acquainted with Taus Jabrailov and his wife Ljuba Bashanova. I was working at that time in a bank as the supply manager, and the banker Kabardinian Ashurov A. and was on friendly terms with Chechens very much. Subsequently, Ashurov was arrested and jabrailov Taus which was involved in the criminal liability was detained after him . Soon was arrested his wife Ljuba Bashanova as well for the use of false ... >> full
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