East: EBRD Survey Documents Trauma Of Transition
posted by zaina19 on June, 2007 as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 5/25/2007 12:10 AM Monday, May 21, 2007 East: EBRD Survey Documents Trauma Of Transition By Jeremy Bransten Russia – Reforms / poverty – An elderly woman searches amongst the rubbish at a dump in St. Petersburg, 12Mar1995 An elderly woman in St. Petersburg searches through a garbage dump in 1995 (AFP) May 21, 2007 (RFE/RL) -- The 1990s were a traumatic decade for many people across Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union as they struggled to adjust to a new era as communism collapsed and the market took hold. And, according to a comprehensive new survey by the World Bank and the European Bank For Reconstruction and Development, many people continue to struggle. It the 15 years since the end of communism in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, many surveys have focused on economic indicators to assess the progress of reforms. "The results show that many people remain unconvinced by the virtues of markets and democracy." -- EBRD And they indicate that, overall, the situation is improving. But ... >> full
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posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 5/26/2007 1:23 AM Civil.Ge UNAG online Magazine U.S. Official: Russia’s Ties with Neighbors Issue of Concern / Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 2007-05-25 10:07:45 Russia's relations with its neighbors remain “an issue of considerable concern” as Russia often approaches them “with a zero-sum mentality, particularly when it comes to those countries, such as Georgia and Ukraine,” Daniel Fried, the U.S. Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs said on May 24. In his testimony before the Helsinki Commission, Fried noted that the U.S. was concerned by “apparently political interference with infrastructures” as in the case of the closing of Russia’s only legal border crossing with Georgia last year. But he also noted that Russian-Georgian relations, after a period of extreme tension, had shown “tentative signs of limited improvement.” “Moscow could do much more to normalize relations. Russia maintains the economic and transportation sanctions it imposed against Georgia last fall. Likewise, it continues to take actions that call into question ... >> full
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A Russian Diary: A Journalist's Final Account of Life,
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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 5/29/2007 1:14 PM Random House A Russian Diary: A Journalist's Final Account of Life, Corruption, and Death in Putin's Russia By Anna Politkovskaya Translated by Arch Tait Random House 369 pages. $25.95 Last Testament The Kremlin's actions speak for themselves in Anna Politkovskaya's final account of Russian politics under Vladimir Putin. By Gregory Feifer Published: May 25, 2007 Such was Anna Politkovskaya's courage and determination in recording killings, torture and abductions in Chechnya that failing to read her articles in Novaya Gazeta -- the country's most progressive newspaper -- meant risking ignorance of what Russia's chattering classes were saying each week about the government's latest outrage. The 48-year-old mother of two adult children was shot dead by an unknown assassin in the elevator of her apartment building last October shortly after she'd completed her last book, commissioned by Random House for publication in English. "A Russian Diary" is an account of the country's major political events from December 2003 to August 2005. It catalogs a year-and-a-half of President Vladimir Putin's relentless drive ... >> full
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Exclusive: Putin threatens to target Europe with missiles
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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 6/2/2007 11:23 PM Exclusive: Putin threatens to target Europe with missiles DOUG SAUNDERS Globe and Mail Update June 2, 2007 at 5:34 PM EDT In an interview with the Globe and Mail, Russian President Vladimir Putin has threatened to target Europe with missiles, including potentially nuclear weapons, in a dramatic escalation of his Cold War-style showdown with the United States. Mr. Putin, in an interview at his country residence outside Moscow, said he considers U.S. plans to build an eastern European anti-missile site to shoot down Iranian missiles a provocation aimed at Russia. Asked what he might do to retaliate, he said he would return Russia to the Cold War status where missiles were aimed at European targets. "It is obvious that if part of the strategic nuclear potential of the United States is located in Europe, and according to our military experts will be threatening us, we will have to respond," he said. Russian President Vladimir Putin poses a dilemma: Even as he has isolated Russia from ... >> full
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posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 6/3/2007 1:26 AM Marina Litvinenko It is six months since Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned with polonium-210 in a Mayfair bar. As the row over bringing his killer to justice continues, his widow talks freely and frankly about the KGB man she loved and lost Viv Groskop Sunday June 3, 2007 The Observer One of the worst things is living with the physical legacy: the threat of cancer in the future. And dealing with other people's reactions. For three days before Alexander Litvinenko was admitted to University College Hospital, London last November, Marina nursed her husband at home, assuming he had food poisoning. She cleaned up his vomit, not knowing it was radioactive. Although she is in good health, she has tested positive for above-average levels of radiation. 'Every morning when I wake up I check myself over. I think to myself: is everything OK? Is anything wrong with me?' She has moments of feeling like a pariah. 'It's like it used to be with Aids. No ... >> full
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