May 2nd 2010 · Prague Watchdog / Sergei Markedonov
War without end
By Sergei Markedonov, special to Prague Watchdog
Moscow, Russia
There is currently an upsurge in the terrorist and sabotage activity of the North Caucasus Islamists. Unlike in previous years, this fact is now openly acknowledged by representatives of the Russian authorities. In his speech to the Federation Council on April 28 2010, Russia’s Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika announced an increase of approximately one third in the number of terrorist acts in the North Caucasus during the past year, and these are only the official figures, which the authorities traditionally tend to understate. We should note that Islamist terrorist acts are taking place in other regions of Russia besides the North Caucasus (in this regard, the May 1 attack in Nalchik fits into the trend outlined by the Prosecutor General). After a long pause, the blasts in the Moscow subway have finally brought the "rebel war” (myatezhevoina, a picturesque expression coined by a Russian military expert, Yevgeny Messner) to the Russian capital.
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