Hypocrites throw down their masks
posted by zaina19 on April, 2007 as ANALYSIS / OPINION
rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 4/6/2007 9:23 AM Hypocrites throw down their masks Publication time: Today at 18:46 Djokhar time Allah calls in the Holy Qur'an: 66/9 O Prophet! Strive hard against the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell,- an evil refuge (indeed). The so-called "council of Rusnia mufti's", named among Muslims by "council of Rusnia munafik's" (CRM) published sequential libel, in which called "organs of state power and all citizens of country to make impossible to enemies of Islam to drive the wedge between Russian state and Islamic world"... As usually munafik's lament to obtaining of significant financial resources on driving the wedge between Rusnia and Islamic world. Apparently to them pay insufficiently for their canine work, once they see the reason for their defeats only in financing in best traditions of Marxism-Leninism. These wicked people never thought, that in order to conduct Jihad at ideological front is enough small money for Internet- cafe visiting. For military confrontation it suffices to ... >> full
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Russia: A Rogue Intelligence State
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 4/7/2007 2:18 PM Russia: A Rogue Intelligence State Publication time: 7 April 2007, 11:41 By Reuel Marc Gerecht Vladimir Putin's Russia is a new phenomenon in Europe: a state defined and dominated by former and active-duty security and intelligence officers. Not even fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, or the Soviet Union--all undoubtedly much worse creations than Russia--were as top-heavy with intelligence talent. What does this mean for Russia and for us? Are we destined to see a post-Communist Russia that aggressively uses assassination and economic blackmail as essential tools of statecraft? Does a policy of engagement, which we have been practicing somewhat energetically since September 2001, now make sense? The only unalloyed good thing one can say about Russia today is that it is not the Soviet Union: democracy is still, in principle, the basis for political legitimacy. Democracy in Russia is vibrant enough that the Kremlin cannot openly reject it; instead, it must "manage" it. The average Russian may care more about stability at ... >> full
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Playing political poker with Putin is high-stakes game
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 4/9/2007 1:42 AM Times Online Logo 222 x 25 From The Times April 9, 2007 Playing political poker with Putin is high-stakes game Julian Evans While Tatarstan’s economy is attracting billions of pounds in capital from the West, its political future hangs in the balance — and not for the first time. “We could have been another Chechnya,” Rafael Hakimov, a presidential adviser, said. “The Russian tanks were surrounding our capital.” At the time, in the early 1990s, Tatarstan, a region fiercelyproud of its thousand-year history as a centre of Mongol culture and as the capital of the Tatar people, was close to declaring itself a sovereign republic. It took the wiles of Mintimer Shaimiev, its president, to strike a deal with President Yeltsin, which gave the region some autonomy over its economic and cultural affairs. The result is that, uniquely among Russia’s 83 regions, Tatarstan enjoys a special status. Mr Shaimiev has used those powers to make Tatarstan one of Russia’s most internationally connected regions. President ... >> full
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Counting the Dead a Dicey Job
posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
Prev Discussion Next Discussion Send Replies to My Inbox Reply Recommend Message 1 of 1 in Discussion From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 4/12/2007 4:58 AM Counting the Dead a Dicey Job Publication time: 11 April 2007, 20:40 Ask how many journalists have been murdered because of their reporting since Vladimir Putin assumed power, and you might be surprised. The Committee to Protect Journalists puts the number at 13. Reporters Without Borders says it is 21. The Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations, however, says it has only been able to confirm five. This discrepancy casts a long shadow over the reliability of the statistics collected by media watchdogs, said Elsa Vidal, head of the Europe desk at the Paris-based Reporters Without Borders. "We can be accused of not knowing what we are talking about," she said. Every time a journalist is attacked, Western media seem to roll out a figure for how many have died under Putin's watch to demonstrate the sorry state of media freedom. True, Putin has ... >> full
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posted by zaina19 on as ANALYSIS / OPINION
From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng (Original Message) Sent: 4/12/2007 7:55 AM Russia's Muslims A benign growth Apr 4th 2007 | KAZAN AND MOSCOW From The Economist print edition AP AP Russia's fastest-growing religious group is its Muslims. But they are not much like their counterparts in other countries MUSLIMS in Russia—or at least the politically active among them—are rejoicing. On March 30th a human-rights case that had become a touchstone of Muslim concerns was dramatically resolved. The story concerned a Russian who had adopted Islam, prefixing his Slavic name of Anton Stepanenko with a Muslim one, Abdullah. Thriving in his adopted faith, he became an imam in the south Russian town of Pyatigorsk. But in January 2006, say friends, he was arrested on sham charges of kidnapping and theft. Senior Muslims across Russia used their access to the pro-government press to make a public appeal to President Vladimir Putin for his release. Suddenly, just as Muslims were about to celebrate the Prophet's birthday, the imam's fortunes changed: the charges against him were reduced and he was ... >> full
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